not edited (old chapter)

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"She's waking up!" "Is she ok?!" "____?!" You hear people talking and slowly open your eyes.

Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Eren, and Mikasa were all standing around the bed you were in.

You looked around the room and noticed you were not in your room. The walls were white and there was nothing but a table next to your bed. It must be the infirmary.

"____ I was so worried!" Armin said as he stood beside you. "I'm fine Armin!" You smiled at him.

"Try not to move" Mikasa said as she looked at your leg. You looked down to see your leg had been bandaged up and your jeans had been rolled up.

"You guys.. Were you really worried?" You asked looking at everyone. "Yes of course! Even Jean!" Eren answered "hey! She's my friend too!" He yelled back.

you smiled at them all, knowing they were your 'friends'.

"Are you feeling ok?" Sasha asked surprisingly she wasn't eating. "Yes I feel f.." You started but there was a sudden stinging pain in your leg which made you stop.

"Er we should go!" Connie said as he opened the door. "Yeah.. See you later ____" Eren said as they all left the room.. well everyone but Armin.

"What did they make you do?!" He asked when everyone had left. "I was the bait.." You said a bit embarrassed and your face turning red. "What?! Why would they make you do that?!" He said as he crouched down so he was your level.

"It was my fault.. I agreed to be Hanji's assistant" you said while looking at him when you suddenly remembered what Levi had said about not being near him. Surely this was acceptable? He's my friend I don't care what Levi said!

"____ are you ok?" Armin asked snapping you out of your thoughts. "Hm, haven't you got training to do?" You asked not wanting to waste his time.

As he was about to answer the door flew open revealing the short Corporal. Thanks for knocking..

"Cadet, get out." He said as he looked over at Armin. "Um yes s-sir" Armin stuttered and as he stood up you grabbed his arm. "I'll be fine don't worry" you whispered in his ear and he left.

"I thought I told you not to go near him." Levi said as he made his way over to you. "I thought I told you he was my friend" you answered annoyed at Levi's words.

He gave you a glare and shut the door. "How are you?." He asked. "I'm ok" you replied surprised by Levi's concern. "Good, I can't have my soldiers weak." He said and you rolled your eyes knowing he wasn't really concerned.

"How did I injure my leg, I don't remember doing it?" You asked trying to recall the moment. "It looks like you cut yourself while you tried to cut the neck." Levi explained.

"Yeah..I suppose.." You said moving your gaze somewhere else. "Your too reckless." Levi said as he opened the door and left.

After a while of lying in bed you began to feel bored. "Ugh I need to get up!" You said to yourself as you tried to sit up. Once you sat up with no pain you planned that you were going to walk around the building.

You pulled yourself up when a sharp pain ran through your leg again. This is stupid I need to get up! You thought as you pulled yourself out of bed and lent on the wall for support.

After you got used to standing you made your way out of the room and closed the door behind you.

You were limping down the corridor when you felt yourself bump into someone. "Hey! Watch where your g-" you suddenly stopped when you looked up to see Commander Erwin.

"s-sorry Commander!" You apologised. "It's ok, aren't you supposed to be resting?" He asked with a smile. "Sorry.. I can't stand being in that room any longer" you said hoping he wouldn't make you go back.

"It's ok I can see how it could bore you" he said as his blue eyes met yours. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I was just going outside" you replied moving your gaze to the door in front of you.

"Very well, just make sure you don't hurt yourself" he said stepping to the side. "Thank you Commander" you said making your way to the door. "Oh and ____, I herd from Hanji that you did well today, well done" he praised you as you opened the door "thank you sir!" You said with a smile on your face and left the building.

It was beautiful out, the sun was beaming down and the birds were singing. You walked into one building which had a library and quickly grabbed a book that was left on a table to read outside. you walked around to the other buildings when you saw the large training area. People were sparing and using their 3DMG.

Even though you were already in the survey corps, training is what you do on a regular basis to keep fit.

You watched all your friends as they laughed, of course until a certain Corporal came along.

You walked up to a tree near to where they were training and fell to the floor in the shade and pulled out the book you grabbed from earlier.

You looked at the cover of the book "The outside world.." You read the title of the book. "Armin must have left this.." You remembered Armin was reading this book. Why would he just leave it?

You turned to the front page and read what looked like someone's handwriting. 'To Armin, one day we will be here' you started to tear up as you read who it was from 'love from your mom and dad'.

You noticed a few dark spots around the writing and you figured they were tears but not yours.

As you started to read the book you read about the beautiful blue oceans and the rivers that ran for miles.

"____?" You herd a soft voice call from behind. You turned around to be met with a wide eyed Armin "y-you found my book!" Armin said as he walked up to you. You smiled and handed him the book "yes, sorry I was just reading it.." You said as he took the book.

"It's ok..can I sit with you?" He asked and you patted the ground next to you.

"it looks beautiful out there" you said remembering what you read in the book.

"Yes.." Armin said as he looked towards the ground. You quickly pulled Armin into a tight hug as he hugged you back.

You could hear faint footsteps getting gradually louder.

"Your supposed to be resting." A familiar voice said from behind you. "I wanted to come outside" you answered facing him. "What are you doing here Arlert?." Levi asked Armin.

"I-I was-" he started.

"We were reading." You answered for him. "Your meant to be training." Levi said as he walked up to you and Armin. "But I thought-"

"Get back to work." He ordered and Armin quickly left.

"There was no need to be like that" you said moving your eyes away from his. "Tomorrow everyone is going home for the weekend to see their family." Levi informed.

"I'll stay here then.." you said trying not to think about your parents. "Haven't you got any other family members?" Levi asked still looking at you.

"No..besides this is my home now" you answered "very well, if your fit enough to walk then take your ass to my office as soon as training is over." He ordered and left.

Again?! Maybe he wants me to clean the building while everyone is gone..

After sitting under the tree for what seemed like ages you could start to see people walking back inside.

You tried pulling yourself up but couldn't. "Hey! Can anyone help?!" You shouted but no one herd you.

"owow!" Pain ran through your leg as you tried to stand but fell again. "____!" You heard Eren call. "Hey Eren um.. Can you help?" You asked looking up at him.

"Sure!" He said lifting you up. "Is training over?" You asked "yes" he replied walking with you. "Ok can you take me to Commander Erwin please?" You asked, you remembered Levi wanted to see you but you had to ask the commander about everyone going home.

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