edited chapter five

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you could feel your body aching, the log wasn't so comfortable to sleep on.  as you opened your eyes you could make out a few people walking around,  you touched your face lightly and noticed how damp you were.  it was raining heavily, the sky looked miserable and you could smell the damp in the air.  as you sat up you could feel something slide from your shoulders, you looked to your side at the uniform cloak that laid beside you.  you already had yours on so someone must have placed it over you, for warmth or to protect you from the harsh rainfall. 

the inky black clouds above you had caused a gloomy mood within the squad.  you picked your odm gear off the muddy ground and put it on.  hange and most of her squad were by the horses, making sure they had all their equipment.  "they're ready" levi picked up the uniform cloak that had fallen from your shoulders and placed it over his.  you stood and walked with him to the rest of the squad  "we'll be using the nets exactly the same as last time.  (y/n) will lure the titan in and once we have it in position the nets will be dropped, any questions?" hange instructed, looking around the squad for anyone to speak up.  no one questioned hange so you all rode in formation and travelled deep into the forest.  the trees towered high above, like giants watching their prey.  they creaked as the wind whistled through the trunks and disturbed the leaves.

hange singled for everyone to use their odm gear, you and levi both anchored yourself to the nearest tree, as did the rest of the squad.  a 10 meter class titan strolled below.  you took a deep breath and sighed slightly as hange gave you the signal to get the titans attention.  levi looked to his side at you, arms crossed, his jet black hair was soaked through.  you weren't sure if he looked out of concern or impatience.  the weather suited his mood you thought.  you lowered yourself to the ground using your odm gear and your boots sank low into the wet filthy mud.  the rain clouded your vision and made it harder to see the enemy.  you lifted the hood of your cloak and waved your arms "over here!" you shouted.  the titan locked its eyes on you and began to walk faster and faster.  you pulled yourself up onto a lower branch so that the titan could still see you, moving rapidly from branch to branch before landing on the ground again.  you looked around in a hasty manner, trying to spot some sign of the other scouts "they must be deeper in the forest" you mumbled.  focusing on the titan you pulled yourself to another branch  "come on you piece of shit!" you waved your blade to make sure it was still interested in you.  the titan was fast, faster than usual and it's huge hands swung side to side as it  trudged forward.  it's eyes empty but focused, all it wanted was to eat you as if that was it's only purpose. 

you shot out the anchor to your odm gear but before it could hit the other branch you had slipped on the wet surface of the tree.  "shit" you cursed as you fell to the ground, your uniform dripping with mud.  the rain fell heavier than before, stands of your hair stuck to your face as you tried to regain your vision on the enemy.  you could hear it's thuds echoing closer and closer.  with each one of its footsteps your heart pounded faster.  it sounded as if it's walking had turned into running.  was it an abnormal?  you found yourself running ahead, your odm gear submerged in mud, the pressure of it all was getting to you and your fingers fumbled with your equipment. 

"(y/n)!" you could hear hange yell.  you were still charging ahead, you shot out your anchor again and just as you felt the tug of the wire about to pull you to the nearest branch your legs were pulled from beneath you and the titan had launched itself forward to grab you.  it's large hands wrapped around your small measly body as you struggled for air.  you could feel your heart pounding with panic, you stared into the eyes of the titan and grabbed your blade, plunging it deep into the titans hand, not even a flinch.  the titans hand suddenly released you and you dropped to the ground, letting out a horrid shriek as you hit the ground with force. 

the titan fell in front of you, it's face buried into the muggy earth, the nape of its neck gaping open.  levi jumped from the back of the titan and immediately kneeled down by your side.  you could hear the sound of odm gear whizzing above you, hand wrapped tightly around your leg you gritted your teeth together at the pain that throbbed through your ankle.  levi placed his arm around the back of your neck and the other underneath your legs easing the stress.  "she's hurt" levi stated as hange landed on the ground and ran towards you.  "we aren't safe here. we need to head back" hange directed and everyone made their way back to the horses.  levi picked you up and held you close, your head rested on his chest.  you breathed in and your eyes widened, suddenly you were back in your town when you were younger, at a market?  the thought had disappeared as soon as it entered your mind.  strange, you squinted and touched your forehead.  "i failed, we didn't capture the titan" you spoke softly but he could sense the irritation in your voice "that doesn't matter right now. we need to get you back safe" he used his odm gear to pull through the vast forest trees, even with you in his arms he was fast.  his shirt was drenched and you could feel the rain water that dripped from his hair.  the wind was numbing and harsh against your skin as he moved tree to tree until he reached the horses.  he placed you down gently into the back of the cart.  hange watched from her horse, she noticed his gentle manner and the way he moved the wet strands of hair out off your face.  he took off his uniform cloak and rested it over your body as you looked up at the sky, the cart jounced as its wheels hit the uneven earth below. 

you were disappointed in yourself, you let hange and the squad down, she was counting on you so she could capture another titan.  hange would be using these titans for research and now you've slowed them down.  you closed your eyes and exhaled long and slow.  "thank you, levi.." you whispered faintly.  his eyes glanced down at you in the cart, his expression hollow until he noticed a few tears roll down your cheek causing his eyes to widen slightly.  all the pressure and emotions you felt now finally being released.  "i told you that you could trust me" levi rode next to the cart for the whole journey back.

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