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How in the whole freaking world was Lucas gonna stay away from Claire? Sounds like some cliche movie Shute where the parents didn't approve of their kid's lovers and tried to pull them apart.

Was everything a joke to his father or something? Because as far as he can see, all he thinks about 24/7 is Claire, how her voice goes deep when she wispers on his ears, how she smells of smoke and leather and how soft she is even though she's hard-core.

He can't really do as his father asked him to. It'd tear him apart to even think about forgetting Claire. He has reached to the point where all he wants to do is fulfill his wild desires with her.

Lucas huffed, getting out of the car and staring at his school building while other students ,adetheir way to the entrance. Few in groups and few mugging up the text book before the bell rang.

The car left, leaving Lucas on his own to sulk. He wanted to go back home and wake up again on his bed as if everything was back to how it was a day ago.

He walked in, looking around only to spot Connor near the lockers, chatting away with Hailey, who seemed to be standing.. way too close that usual. Then again, they were too close and Lucas knew better.

He sighed and put on a smile. "Hey."

They turned to look at him, instantly lighting up. "Lucas! How have you been, man?"

Lucas raised his eyebrows. "We met yesterday."

"I know, I know. Just happy is all." Connor grinned, shutting his locker close.

"Why?" Lucas asked. "Why are you happy?"

"Don't you know? Winter vacations start from the next week." Hailey chipped in with a big smile

Oh shit. The vacations. That meant not only he had to ignore Claire around, but also not get to even see her once in a while. He could always walk into her house and.. kiss her good. But he knew better than going against his father's words.

It was insane as to how much his father had a control over his life.


Lucas sat on the bleachers after school hours, a pout on his face while swinging his legs along with the wind.

Avoiding Claire? More like he didn't even get to see her!

There wasn't anyone in his sight, as everyone had left the campus except Lucas who told Connor he was going to hit the library but instead decided to sulk around because he didn't see Claire. He hadn't told her what had happened in between him and his father, so there was no way she's upset about it.

Now what? Does he have to just go on with his life?

"Lucas, my man!"

Lucas looked up and squinted his eyes a little to see a little figure few feet away from him in track suit and disheveled hair, walking towards him.

"Sean?" Lucas greeted, even though he wanted to be left alone. He just smiled and scooted over so that the shorter could sit.

"Wassup? Why are you here?" He asked.

Lucas sighed. "Wasn't in a mood to go home."

"Oh." Sean nodded, and they fell silent right after that as Lucas picked on his long sleeves of his cream coloured sweater. "Why so gloomy?"

Lucas licked his lips, cold air hitting his face. "I ain't."

"Sure are." Sean tutted. "What's up?" Lucas didn't bother answering that, just listened to him go on. "Someone say something? Nate? Bullies? Claire?"

"I haven't seen Nate." Lucas informed.

"I didn't, either."

Lucas' frown deepened. "Seen Adam?"

"Yeah. He's on the roof, going at it again."

For a second there, Lucas didn't know what Sean meant, but then he turned around and peeped up at the roof to find Adam smoking, while chatting with Hailey.

"That's dangerous." He commented.

"They've been in way worse."

Lucas let out a "oh" and turned back, before anyone would catch him staring. That would put him into trouble, because it was Adam, and he's way too scary.

Sometimes, he's not, because he shoots an angelic smile at him but the way he sits quietly, observing people and shootings death glares just makes him want to hide in a hole and never come out. Something he noticed, Adam hates anyone touching him except Claire.

Lucas shrugged, and looked at Sean.

"How's Damien?" He started, trying to make conversation.

"He's amazing." Sean chuckled. "Wags his tail every time he sees me, licks everything in sight and sleeps next to me at night. Poor baby, must be cold and alone all the time in home."

Lucas tugged on a little smile involuntarily. He remembered the furry little dog instantly brightening up the mood in the house when he went over. "When you leave for college, what would you do?"

"I'll beg the college to let me keep him in the dorms, of course."

Lucas tilted his head. "What if they don't agree?"

"I'll.." Sean looked up at the winter sky. "I'll ask a neighbor to keep him."

Lucas remembered what Sean had told him about his family living an hour away. "Why don't you ask you parents to keep him?"

Sean smiled. "I called it."


"They won't."

"Why? They have to, it's their dog-"

"Not anymore."

Lucas gulped. There was something that Sean was hiding, he could quite clearly notice the stagger in his words that contained a weight of... perhaps losing someone? Lucas will never know.

Sean suddenly stood up grabbing his attention and stretched. "Catch up later!" Lucas hadn't even gotten a chance to ask him about his family, and he had already fled. He huffed and sat back on the bench.

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