chapter FORTY ONE

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Claire grumbled to herself as she walked out her hotel room and slammed the door shut behind.

Yes, they were back to the hotel and already everyone managed to throw a party. It was the last day of their trip. But the reason behind her grumpy self was because of the text she received from Adam.

It annoyed Claire as to how she couldn't even get some peace of mind even once.

Adding to this, was a rarely seen Hailey. God knew what in the fuck the extremely enthusiastic female was up to.

Claire walked, hair untied and a jacket on. Of course.

And with her small trip to Adam's place, she also came across few unbelievable consequences, which neither helped nor lifted her mood up but the contrary.

Claire stopped on her footsteps as soon as she took a turn into a hallway.

The loud bickering of few groups of guys echoed throughout the place.

"What made you look at us?" A voice stood out, and Claire had to bend to see who the 'voice' was directing his words to. "Well, do you look at your self? Scared and weak. Man the fuck up."

Nate Moore squeezed Lucas' face in his hand, while the others watched. They were just other football team members... Tim, nick and whoever the fuck Claire couldn't care enough about.

"I w-wasn't looking-"

"Shut up, boy. We saw you." Someone else spoke, others laughing.

"N-No I..I seriously.."

Claire chuckled listening to Lucas trying to defend himself.

Well, these fucktarts just needed something and someone to mess with and Lucas just happened to be passing by. Being the innocent meat he was, the guys picked on him with ease.

Moore just never realised he could have this much fun earlier only if he had known that this boy existed.

Then again, he had seen Lucas hanging out with the 'badass' group of the school. Just another person for them to toy with.

"You stammer too?" Someone cried. "Do you come with a package of all the disabilities?"

"Fucking retard."

"He's fucking gay." The Tim guy roared with laughter. "Didn't you see how he was gaping at us?"

"Definitely gay."

"That would make me the man in the relationship now, wouldn't it?" Claire narrowed her eyes. "Besides, he can be a fucking ostrich or a zebra, how does that matter to any of you?"

Lucas felt his gut tighten at the sound of 'relationship'.

"Ugh, Cooper." Nate said disgusted by the sound of it and let the poor guy's face go. "What a great timing."

Sarcastic indeed.

"I know right." She retorted, taking powerful steps towards the group of guys. "What a perfect timing."

"Oh, sis is pissed." Nick mocked fear.

"Ew, get out of here before you really piss me off." Claire cringed at his ass and directed her attention to the one only. "And you, pretty boy, what are you doing here?"

"C-claire..." Lucas laughed nervously. "I was just wandering around."

She grinned at him calling out her name... Probably after so many days or for the first time.

"Is that so?" Claire shot a fond as fuck smile and walked closer to the said  boy. She leaned against the wall next to him. "Then? Then what happened?"

The Bad Girl AttackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz