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There are so many suggestions for Lucas' character that it's hard to choose now :(


(A long chapter coz yall deserve it.)

"ILL DROP YOU." Chandler happily sang loudly in Claire's room while she clenched her fists in sleep. "Wakey wakey, Claire, it's a school day! And ILL DROP YOU!"

"Please shut up." She groaned. "And get out."

"Claire, you'll be late, won't you? Then you cannot meet your goth frie-" he let out a quiet 'fuxk' when Claire threw the nearest thing she could reach at him, which turned out to be a plastic water bottle.

He pouted in pain and rubbed his arm.

"I said shut the --"

The door to the bedroom swung open and in trudged Claire's dad, holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"I really do want to know what happened during the trip.." he blinked, staring off into space. "Why do I have a feeling that something major happened?"

Claire grumbled incoherent words that neither Chandler nor Claire's dad understood.

The thing was that, ever since Chandler appeared out of nowhere in her life, every normal day has turned into 'who'll annoy Claire more and how' which of course.. annoyed her to no end.

Let's just say Claire's not an enthusiastic human being but the same cannot be said about Chandler. Her days usually seem gloomy while his day start with Jason Derulo play list, going around with songs until his roommate would tell him to fuck off to classes.

Chandler wasn't dense, or stupid. He wasn't dumb either. He was just really smart, all smiles and looks.

After what seemed like ages, he finally was able to get Claire into giving him the car keys. He was just as jobless as anyone could ever be.

He decided he'll find a job today for the next two months and that's why he left the house so that he could visit working places after dropping off his younger cousin at her school.

Just that the moment they stepped out the car, Claire slammed the doors shut and just stared at him bored.

"Are you gonna get your ass going or..?"

Apparently, his playboy side had kicked in and he was instantly checking out every human female that moved.

"Shut your mouth before you attract flies." Claire mumbled, rolling her eyes at him.

"Flies? More like ladies." He replied, leaning against Claire's car.

"Keep your excited self in your own pants. You're nothing but a pedo." She tsked at his face and picked her bag up. She swung it around her shoulders and pointed towards the main gate.

"Oh, give me a break. I'm just 20."

"Whatever. Just roll in with tge day. Besides, I cannot stay here for long. I have my priorities to look after."

"Priorities?" Chandler widened his eyes as he watched her swiftly drift away from himself. "Who? What?? You got someone!?"

"Bye, Chandler! I'll walk home today!" She yelled over the crowd.

She definitely crushed the guy into pieces as he just stood there, pondering over why she hadn't told him earlier.

His happiness couldn't be expressed through his emotions as he just gave out a blank face.

So much for being an amazing brother.

He tutted.


Lucas was being surrounded by a few strangers, all of them smiling shyly at him and gushing real hard.

He didn't know how to respond. What was he supposed to say? He hadn't been taught about how to reply to others who really have an interest in you.

Why would anyone even have an interest in him? Was it just because of that party he got drunk or..?

"We heard you're really smart." One of them smiled softly at him. "Do you hangout in the library often?"

Lucas licked his dry lips and slightly stumbled on his words.

"Not often. Just times when I am bored."

"So you really are Mr.Clark's son?" The other gushed, gripping the books in her hands tightly in nervousness.

"..yes I am." He frowned.

Meanwhile that happened, Connor leaned against their lockers and sighed in dismay.

Lucas suddenly had a reputation and Connor didn't. It didn't even matter anymore whether Connor existed or not, because the whole school cared about the "that guy of the other night" and "Wesley Clark's younger brother".

..Connor knew Wesley studied in the same school but.. he didn't know the guy was this popular to say the least.

He sighed again, still deep in thought while staring at his own best friend and thinking about all the possible ways to avoid girls as his displacement.

"Am I really going to be displaced?" His jaw dropped slightly while he wondered out loud.

"Doesn't sound good now, does it?" The familiar voice of the most popular group of school, one and only, Claire's, startled him from his string of thoughts.

"Doesn't." He confirmed.

Suddenly she was walking into the crowd, actually, hold up, the crowd started clearing out right when they noticed her presence.

They knew Claire Cooper had been hanging around Lucas for a while now. And that's never happened before.

Shippers had a way of explaining why Claire and Lucas fit perfectly like 'two puzzle pieces'. Ahem, turns out shippers were also poetic.

Haters had their own theories about the fake game Claire was probably playing.

Some also thought of Lucas as the wronged person.

Well, those were their own theories, and Claire gave zero fucks about them.

"I'm starting to think you're dumb enough to not know what 'mine' means." She slightly said in annoyance.

"Honestly..." He started with a timid voice and face. "I don't know what you mean."

"Innocent much?" She cocked her eyebrow at him.

He just shrugged at her. "I just don't know."

"This isn't going to work out." She sighed in defeat slightly, tired to trying to hard. She really thought that Lucas was playing hard to get. But seriously, he was just too oblivious.

"You're mine." He growled... Or just imitated Claire with a serious face, which only made her choke. "You said that and I don't know what to think of it."

"..boy.." she ruffled his hair, instantly getting swatted away by his pale hands.

Lucas pouted in the most oblivious way possible making her heart flutter just a little bit. It's been a while since she felt these emotions.

She thought she was dead from the inside. But Lucas proved her wrong.

"I don't want to lose you." She whispered to herself.



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