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Cover by -theseventhheaven, I love all of them, thank you so much <3

Where Lucas' tears streamed down, a startled Claire stared at him with widened eyes, feeling as if someone was hitting her chest with a hammer on repeat.

She expected a bored reaction from him, instead.. she couldn't believe he did that.


Claire snapped out of her thoughts and instantly shut her eyes close and brought her panels to squeeze Lucas' face.

Finally. Finally, a taste of those, plumpy blood red lips.

She kissed back with such force that Lucas gasped, squealing, and fell back onto the bed with his companion on top of him.

A smile was shared into the kiss, their muscles relaxing and taking in what the other would give.

Claire's fingers turned fidgety, rubbing his smooth flushed cheeks to the skin on his neck. She sank her teeth into his bottom lip and bit on it ever so lightly.

From there, she kissed his chin, cheek, jaw, trailing all her kisses towards his rosy ears, all while Lucas' lips parted and holding her waist.. rather tightly.

This moment was when Claire was willing to give him all her love, but, it was short lived, for Chandler started banging on the locked door to Claire's room

"CLAAAAIIIIIRRREEEE, I BROUGHT CHICKEN!" He yelled on top of his lungs.

Lucas gasped loudly, and sat upright in a swift moment, Claire almost falling off the bed but landing on her feet and really, very, extremely annoyed by her innocent cousin.

"Are you sure you're 20 and not 5?!" She grumbled.

"I'm 22!" Chandler laughed, still outside the room.

Claire rolled her eyes and wiped her lips. She turned around to.. quite a sight..

Lucas sat there, in the centre of the bed, hair everywhere, swollen lips and doe eyes on display.

And wrinkled clothes, making him look like a pup.

Never the less, Claire chuckled at him, and held her hand out for Lucas to grab, which he shyly did and pulled him out of the bed and toward the door.

Little did she know that Chandler wouldn't shut up about Lucas now.


After that one day, Lucas came home with Claire, almost everyday, to mess around and draw random things in Claire's sketch books.

He would buy food on the way, and share it with her.

Few weeks passed by, with him doing so and his dad never suspecting one bit, he was busy anyway.

However, today, Claire didn't attend school. Her absence made Lucas pout the whole day. So he decided to pay her a visit like everyday,  and he stopped by the cafe.

It was extremely cold, but the snow seemed to be too shy to make an appearance. Hence, cold winds hit his face, making him giggle and his nose turned a bright pink.

His gaze fell on a small flower shop right next to the cafe, seemed to have been newly opened, and fresh colourful flowers instantly attracted him.

He grinned and took his take out, his feet instantly taking him to the shop, and heart eyes looking around.

He thought for a bit.

I can buy flowers for Claire! Even though she doesn't seem like the flower type.

He furrowed his eyes in confusion, as to which colour would Claire like. Was it the blood rose?  White rose? Lilium?


Lucas giggled, scrouching down to look at Lavenders, and it's bright lavender colour.

He bought them from the old lady who shot a kind smile and ruffled his brown fluffy hair and thanked him.

He smiled back and continued walking to Claire's house, almost skipping on his feet.

Lucas rang the bell, and happily looked at the flowers in his hands.

The door opened, and his smile which was there a few seconds ago, disappeared.

A lady stood in front of him, and he had never seen her before. Never. Did this mean.. Claire moved?

She moved? She didn't tell him about moving? Is that why she was absent?

He gulped.

He hoped she was Claire's mother.

"Yes, how can I help you, son?" She asked.

"Oh..oh uh." Lucas bit his lips. "Mrs.Cooper?"

"Yes, that's me."

Lucas sighed internally, relief flashing through his body and a smile tugging back.

"Good evening," he almost bowed, "I am a friend of Claire, It's really nice to meet you."

Her mother stared for minute, making it too much for him to handle under that much pressure. He wanted to turn around and walk away.

".. Claire's friend?" She asked. He nodded in reply. "This well mannered?"

It was Lucas' turn to stare, because he didn't know what to reply.

"Lucas?" Chandler peeped in. "Lucas, my man!"

"Hey Chan."

"You've met, I see." Her mother smiled. "Come in, son. We were all just setting up dinner. Please join us."

"Oh, no no, I'm so sorry to disturb you during dinner,"

"No, we're just setting up dinner. We don't eat until later." She moved away to let him come in. "Besides, Christmas is in a week, and decorating the house is all that's going on."

Lucas nodded shyly. But he didn't know what to do with the flowers now.. so he did the only logical thing he could think of.

"Mrs. Cooper, I bought these for you," he said sweetly and giving away the Lavenders.

"Me?" Claire's mother felt flattered. "How come?"

"They looked, way too pretty."

"You're such a sweetheart, thank you so much, son. Go ahead to Claire's room, I'll get some snacks."

"Please, Mrs.Cooper-"

"Pfft, Call me Niana,"

"Sure Mrs.Cooper-- I mean, Niana, please don't trouble yourself, I bought food for me and Claire too."

While Chandler watched everything he could only come to one conclusion, that, Lucas Clark was definitely a keeper.

Because, turned out, Lavenders were Mrs.Coopers favourite.


Happy new year, loves💚

I know new year isn't till Tuesday, but imma be busy so..

Also, I have exams for next three months. But I'll try updating ! Love y'all!

Thoughts on this chapter? (It was a filler chapter idk why. I have something coming up.)

Have a lovely day!

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