chapter FIFTY TWO

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Oh I wondered why I didn't get a good response on the last chapter. Am I losing this book?

(I updated coz I had a holiday :^))

Claire woke up with a start, in her own room, on her own bed, but confused about the lump right beside her.

Then it kicked in.

Adam was here.

It really fascinated her everytime that Adam snuck into her room at night just because he trusted her with his secret.

With no doubt, his dad was abusive as fuck.

Maybe he was insane too.

Her gaze fell on his bare tan skin and she moved the sheets away from him just a tad little but so she could get a better view.

She gritted her teeth, and brought her fingers to run on the bruised purple skin of his.

He didn't deserve this. Hell, no one deserved this shit.

She ran her fingers down the skin only for Adam to suddenly bold upright and grab his wrist with such alarming rate, that Claire started thinking as to what else had the boy been through to be so edgy.

Adam's grip on her wrist didn't go loose, but he surely did pull her towards himself.

Claire gulped, her eyes meeting his.


"What were you doing?"

"Looking; you need to calm down." She whispered to him leaning in more and taking a good look at the cut on his lower lip and a slightly blue eye.

He took in a sharp breath.

Adam shifted his gaze from her face to their hands, noticing how rough the hold looked. He sighed, finally letting go.

Claire bit her lips and leaned back on the bed, looking at her wrists.

Adam stretched, half of him still under the sheets. He was also half naked, which gave Claire a full display of all his bruises on his chest and back.

"Adam, wanna.. wanna talk about it?"

"I don't think, Claire." He replied, his dark slightly long hair all over his face and tiny curls around his ear.

"You know what, your a grown ass man you can leave that house."

Adam chuckled.

"Don't think."

"You're old enough to choose, aren't you? You should go back to your mot-"

"Mother?" Adam chuckled harder. "She's a drunk old lady who is dying to live. She cannot hold my expenses. She won't be able to."

Claire shot a look at Adam, and rolled her eyes.

"Then go back to your grandmother."

Adam did a ninety degree head spin in span of a second as soon as those words left her mouth.

Claire's breath hitched. She shouldn't have said that.

A look of distraught flashed through Adam's face.

"..what the fuck did you say?" He spat.

".. Adam--" her heart beat sped up, fearing that she had upset him.

"They're the reason why I was on a house arrest for three whole disastrous days and you.. you have the..nerve." He shifted dangerously from where he was sitting, towards where she was.

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