Chapter SEVEN

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She was awake.

Claire was awake 6 in the morning. She doesn't know why, how and for what reason she woke up so early, but she didn't wanna sleep again.

Usually, for a person her age, getting suspended is a huge and life turning point in the highschool. Really, she felt the same when she was suspended the first time when she was caught ditching class to take a smoke.

She thought it was lame because who suspends a person for smoking and ditching class? Detention, yes. Suspension, no. But then she remembered that she had already been caught doing the same thing repeatedly for three days straight.

Once, she ditched detention.

Did anyone care? No.

Did she care that no one cared? No.

That was before she had Adam as her partner in crime. The person, who wore leather jackets, ripped jeans, gave people sharp glances and fought through his way verbally piercing into their heart. His tattoos were up his one hand, which could barely be seen as he covered them up mostly by the jacket.

But damn, when he would expose himself to world, all he would get was speechless stares. Even girls who thought bad boys were not upto their class, would drool over him.

And being his bestfriend didn't help her that she kept falling in trouble... That at one point she became the trouble.

Her head was buzzing with pain, and she felt nauseous. So she let out a groan and got up from the bundle of sheets and stood on her feet, stretching herself.

God, did the headache get worse.

So she bent down and pulled out a strip of advil from her bedside table and popped one out.

Usually, she would have started smoking for the head, because it made her feel good, but this time she just took the tablet just 'cause it was unbearable.

Nonetheless she walked towards the window and looked out.

She pondered for a while about taking a smoke but she resisted herself. It was too early in the morning to do so and if she ever woke her parents up from the smell, then she was dead.

Especially her mother.

Even though Claire was okay with it, she thought she didn't want any drama. For now, just stick to watching out the window.

But then again, it was 6 in the morning, they would already be walking around the house.

Suddenly, she was surprised when she looked at the streets. Her eyes widened just a bit, and her mouth fell open slowly. She knew better, so her lips curled into a smirk.

Headache long forgotten.

Believe it or not, she was seeing art himself walking down the street. She never knew he would go through this road... Or maybe this was the only day that boy came here.

A thought stroke her mind... She wanted to meet him. Now. And how would she do that? Obviously, get down from the window.

Well, shit, she didn't remember how she got down last night. Only thing is that she fell half way through.

That was the same fucking boy from the school she didn't seem to forget about, and he was already getting away from her sight.

With one glance to the broken mirror, a smirk on her face, she put one of her leg out the window, looking down at the grassy ground. There was a platform right below the window, so she landed safely on it.

She still remembered how she slipped, caught on with her hands, hanging from the platform. Finally, from almost three feet of height, she fell with a thud.

She groaned.

She didn't wanna fall again.

Suddenly, her eyes met a pipe on her left. Sure, she didn't see it yesterday, maybe it was too dark. She saw that the boy had walked metres away from her house. What could a little bit of climbing down the pipe do?

Maybe no... She can fall again. Or, no wait. She can't waste her time thinking of a way to fall from almost more than three feet.

Claire rolled her eyes, and started climbing onto the pipe. It was a better option. She thought. Better than dangling down the platform. She was barefooted, and so she had a good grip on the pipe.

Oh god, what the fuck was his name?

She climbed down half way, when she heard something.

"Marcus! We need to level up our garden. The grass has grown too long for its own good."

Claire froze.

She was supposed to be in her room, being suspended and being grounded. Instead, here she was, stuck clinging to a pipe. Apparently, she observed that the pipe was weak to hold onto any longer. There were a few nails and screws missing.

As she thought, her parents were awake.

"Fuck." She cursed.

Her mother came into her sight below her. Well shit, she couldn't move. Either way.

"Marcus! Do you hear me?!" Her mother scowled.

"Fuxk, fuxk, fuxk." She gritted her teeth, holding on tighter when her hands started getting sweaty.

Well, it was like death was calling her from the ground.

"Marcus!" Her mother was getting impatient, her hands on her hips and tapping her foot continuously.

"Don't give up on me. Don't give up." Claire widened her eyes as a screw snapped and fell. Then another.

The boy was no longer in sight, but she was sure as hell in danger.

One, she could break bones.
Two, her father won't be happy.
Three, her grounding time may increase.
Four, her mother may throw her out of the house.

That was a relief though.

She was sure that her father must be reading newspaper, too much involded to be bothered.

Another two screws snapped out and then, the last thing she knew was that, she was falling. Yet again.







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