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What if I write a fanfic? Would yall read?

If yes then Would u like it to be

Oned or


(Yes I like both Oned and Bts. Fight me. (•~•))

Should I write a fanfiction? Will it be worth? Idk nan molla



It didn't surprise Lucas that Claire had just muttered those words because he was sure he heard it right.

It gave him chills just thinking about being with someone for a life time when he barely ever went on a date or had been kissed.

Or should he say, he had never been or a date or kissed just once in his life.

Whatever it was, he was kind of mad that Claire took his first kiss. But was kind of glad for no reason. What a waste of time his thoughts were when he couldn't decide what was he actually feeling.

Even though he was drunk as downstairs, he clearly remember spilling his heart out to her. Were those really his words?

Drunken words are sober thoughts though.

So he was being honest? Why did he actually beg to be kissed?

"Earth to pretty boy." Claire snapped her fingers in front of his face, leaving him startled. He just blushed crimson red, earning a sly chuckle from her.

"What do you want?" He asked, looking away.

"I know that I've already claimed you mine--"

"Without my consent." He interrupted.

"Yes that, so to make it up to you--"

"You can leave me alone." He cut her short again, making his decision for himself.

She gave him a look of disapproval.

"I do not appreciate being interjected." Claire deadpanned and Lucas instantly widened his eyes and looked down at his feet. "You should be glad I'm trying to be good to you."

"Y-yeah." He gulped. "I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes at his softly whispered words and grabbed his chin. She tilted his face up so that she could look into his blue crystal (scared) eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked him.

"I-I wasn't being glad--"

"Shh," She smirked... or more like internally screamed in awe. "You're too pure to be true."

"I am?" He asked, his bambi eyes sparkling in curiosity.

"FUCK." She cursed moving away. "Fuck." She repeated.

Maybe she should ask him out on a date later because soon, she's gonna have heavy nose bleed. A.k.a she's going to die from all the reactions the boy was giving out.

"Cursing is bad." He frowned.

She stared at him for a second unbelievably. "I'm screwed."


"This, and this. Oh my God, it was a heartwarming scene in front of me. I had to take pictures." Connor put a hand over his heart, shoving his phone towards Hailey's face.

The gallery was filled with pictured the whole school would die to see.

"Did you really--" her jaw dropped. "Oh my, this is tea."

"I fucking know right." Connor slammed his hand on the table aggressively. "I swear they'll be the death of me."

"Are they like.. together?" Hailey swiped through the pictures of Claire and Lucas staring at each other in the corridor earlier in the morning.

There were also pictures where Claire was holding the boy's chin and their faces were just inches away.

"I don't know!" Connor sighed in frustration.

"How the fuck did you manage?"

"They never bothered to look around, too busy talking. And fuck, I'll die if Lucas catches me."

Hailey put down the phone and stared at Connor who was sitting on the other side of the table.

"Dude," She started. "Forget Lucas. If Claire finds out.." she trailed off.

Connor just smiled guiltily, grabbing his phone and scrolling through the pictures again while biting his lips. He'll surely get in trouble, but it's worth risking everything he has.

He was proud that he could successfully click these pictures without being caught.

Even being ignored sometimes turns out to be profitable.

"Guys!" A familiar voice called out to them, approaching the table as fast as he could.

"Sean!" Hailey greeted. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"I can say the same about Adam." He took a breath. "Is he absent or something?"

"Well, he isn't replying. He usually does this when he wants to be left alone." Hailey shrugged. "No big deal, I guess."


Sean just took a seat next to Hailey and nodded at Connor.

Connor didn't bother anymore with anything else and just continued looking at all the trash he had in his gallery. Man, he needs to delete them, but too lazy to move a finger.

Fuck it, he's buying more storage. Who cares.

"Oh wait," Connor suddenly shot up and leaned in to the center of the table so that the other two could peep into his phone. "I shot this video during the trip in the hotel."

"What the fuck-" Sean snatched the phone and played the video. He could clearly see the scene that unfolded in the video, and so could Hailey. "Is that Lucas and Claire?"

"Yes, Nate was messing around with them."

"When- what- oh WHOA! " Hailey gasped, the two of them widening their eyes at the screen. "This is GOLD!"

IT was that time when Claire had physically flipped nate over, even though it didn't cause any commotion, it surely was a good move.

"Dude, her flips are dangerous." Sean muttered.

"And how would you know that?"

"...I mean they look dangerous."

Let's not mention all the times Claire had flipped Sean over her shoulders and onto the ground in all the boxing classes they attended.

(A/n I don't know shit about boxing okay. Deal with my dumb self. Thank you.)

It almost felt like he was feeling the move even while watching it.

It was good that no one ever tried messing with her. They knew better than to do so.

Except Nate.

"Send me the video." Sean demanded.


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