Chapter 42

233 16 1

October 29th 2023
Sophia's POV

"I- I did a load of shit that day, none of which I'm proud of and none of which I should ever be forgiven for but Sophia, she's so incredible. I feel like I'm repeatin' myself but she really is and she dropped the charges, forgave me, everything."

I couldn't be more thankful to Marshall right now. Not only is he coming clean on what he's done but he's even making the effort to show his love and appreciation for me.

Admittedly it may not seem like he loves or appreciates me given that I'm sat in a hospital bed watching this interview but Marshall has his own strange and unconventional way of doing things.

I continue to watch the remainder of the interview, pride filling me. That right there on that tv screen is the man I love, my whole world and he's trying so hard to fight for me, for us.

"Man, don't get too carried away. I ain't think I could put up with marrying someone like her and ain't no way I'm havin' more kids." He says, sounding utterly repulsed by the idea.

Feeling my eyes fill with tears I lift my trembling hand to turn off the tv.

"I ain't think I could put up with marrying someone like her."

I knew he didn't really want kids and I knew I couldn't really have kids but he sat here with me just over 24 hours ago and claimed how in love he was and how desperate he was to marry me.

How could he change his mind so fast? What had I done wrong? Why was I not worthy of love?

I sob into my hands, I'm not sure for how long but I suddenly register the door opening.

"Knock, knock."

I glance up to see Ashley, Nathan and Audrianna walk into the room. Ashley and Audri walk towards the small coffee table in the corner of the room to place what looks to be flowers and a take-out bag down.

"Soph, sorry we kinda showed up unnanounced. How you doin' girl? Wait, hold up. Why you cryin'?" Nathan says and upon hearing Nathan mention my crying, Audrianna makes her way over and wraps her arms around me, lovingly stroking my hair.

"It doesn't matter. Its stupid anyway." I say, weakly smiling at Audri as she pulled back from the embrace.

"If its worth crying over then it isn't stupid." Ashley countered as she came over to us all.

"I'm serious, forget I was even crying. Why're you guys here?" I ask as Audri sits on my bed whilst Nate and Ash pull chairs up to my bedside.

"Well, we were gonna come a lot sooner. Like the day it happened but you know life gets in the way. I'm sorry we're only just getting to see you now."

"I appreciate you guys being here, really I do. I uh, I heard I should be thanking you." I say as I turn to Nate.

"Oh it was nothin'. Just a standard day really. Eat, watch a movie, stop my bro from kiling his ex. The usual, you know." He made us all laugh.

"We got Chinese, weren't sure if you'd be hungry." Audrianna offers as she makes her way to collect the bag of food.

"Man, you couldn't wait five minutes could you Audri? Just had to get to the food." Nate calls out to her.

"If my memory serves me correct, which after five years will be a miracle, you like sweet and sour chicken." Ashley states, looking almost nervous for the answer.

"Your memory serves you correct. That stuff is Heaven on a plate. I can't wait to eat food that isn't hospital meatloaf that tastes like dog food."

Audrianna comes over and passes me my food.

"Thanks." I smile at her.

"So what did my brother do to make you cry?" Nathan questions me as he sits with his food.


"C'mon, I know Marsh and I know he's the reason your cryin'. Was it somethin' from his interview?"

"Said he couldn't cope with marrying someone like me." Ashley starts to laugh and shake her head.

"I swear that man doesn't know a good thing when its right in front of him." She mutters.

"I'll kill him myself." Nathan stresses, dragging his hands over his face.

"You're smart, kind and lets face it hot as hell. If unc don't want you that's his loss." Audri says before leaning in and whispering into my ear. "Between me and you, you can do far better anyway."

We both giggle as Nate and Ash look at eachother confused and unaware of what Audrianna just said.

This right here is the family I've wanted for myself and Ava for so long. I want what the three of them have...

A/N - sorry it took so long, I had an exam this week so didn't have much time to write.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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