Chapter 21

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October 23rd 2023
Marshall's POV

Shit, I should have known she'd turn up eventually...

I quickly make my way to the living room, I know better than to make Kim wait.

"Yo." I say as I walk in. She's sitting on the couch scouling, I sit across from her on the coffee table.

"Any changes in your life recently?" She says, failing to hide the hostility in her voice.

"None that concern you."

"I'm the mother of your kids, regardless of if they're adults, your business is mine and mine is yours. A child, seriously Marshall? You hid a child from us. Oh and don't even get me started on being arrested for assulting your ex. Hailie told me everything. You are so pathetic." She says, I'm kind of impressed with how calm she's being.

"What do you want Kim?"

"An explanation. My daughter turns up at my house with some random kid amd claims its her sister. Then I turn on my TV to find out my ex-husband has been arrested. Did you expect me to have zero questions? And also, there is so much blood coming from that band aid. What the fuck have you done?"

"Cut it on glass. I'll live." I say, not wanting to explain my current internal hatred. "What questions you got then?"

"How long have you known about the child?"

"Ava, her name is Ava and I've know since Sophia was pregnant."

"Wow, so you were really on some deadbeat dad type shit, huh?" She says, sarcasm lacing her voice. "So her mom really is Sophia. You beat Sophia Whitely up? Really? That woman is damm near the sweetest person I've ever met." She shakes her head and it appears something fully clicks into place for her because her eyes nearly pop out of her skull.

She clutches her hand over her mouth. "Oh My God. You beat Sophia up. I swear to God if she doesn't pull through this Marshall, I'll ruin your ass."

"You ain't spoke to the bitch in fove years, what's it to you?"

"Firstly, you're going to show some respect. She is no 'bitch', she's the mother of your child. Secondly, just because I haven't spoken to her for such a long time does not mean I don't care about the fact she's lying in Intensive Care fighting for her life. Especially now I know that she's the mother of my children's little sister."

I already know all of this, I don't need to feel worse than I already do. "Just go Kim, please."

"Fine but for what its worth, you're a dick." And with that she leaves, closing the front door harshly.

I'm worse than a fucking dick but the selfish prick in me can't find it in him to care all to much about Soph.

He just wants her awake so he can't be charged with murder. My lawyers and my money stand a far better job clearing or at least trying to lessen the time of an assult and attempted murder trial than they do a straight up murder trial.

He doesn't care if she wakes up and continues a happy life, he just needs her awake to save his ass.

At that thought my mind skips back to the conversation me and Soph had on Ava's birthday. What she said comes flooding back.

"No 'cause that's how it's always been ain't it? As long as you're ass is covered it doesn't matter who gets thrown under the bus. Even if it's your own girlfriend and baby."

She was right. She was exactly right.

I feel the decent man in me, a man who has been hiding in the shadows of my conscience the past few days, come clawing out.

If Soph doesn't pull through, it'll kill me. I hurt the woman I love. How the hell is anyone supposed to explain to Ava that her mom's dead. Even worse, how can it be explained that its all her dad's fault?

I'm a piece of shit. Maybe I am no better than my father. Maybe I'm just a cold hearted monster...

A/N - three chapters in one day, honestly I'm impressed with myself.

Next chapter will be out at some point tomorrow.

And stories_fics will be pleased to know we get to find out how Soph's doing.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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