Chapter 11

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October 15th 2023
Marshall's POV

Seeing Soph and Ave yesterday was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I didn't sleep at all last night, I was overwhelmed with guilt after what Sophia told me she'd gone through.

She did everything alone and it hurts to know that I could have changed all of that, even from a distance, I could have helped with money.

I'm just so grateful that she's so accepting and is letting me get to know Ava.

Seeing Ava yesterday, she reminded me so much of my other girls when they were her age. She also looked insanely similar to Hailie at that age, there was no denying that Ava was mine.

It made me realise how right Paul had been. I had done exactly what I'd vowed to never do, I'd left one of my children.

As hard as I tried now, I'd never fully know her. I'd missed out on so much of her life, her first word, first steps, first teeth. I'd missed out on all the events that made Ava, Ava.

I've been thinking of how I'll eventually have to tell the girls, the rest of my family and friends about Ava.

I'll have to cover for Soph, I can't have them hating her for something I now realise is completely my fault.

I've spent the day trying to clean up all the mess I made yesterday. I've cleaned the broken mirror glass and tried my best to cover the holes in the walls with various pieces of furniture.

The last thing I need is Ava questioning all the damage to the house.

I set out a couple drinks and napkins on the table, alongside three plates. I ordered Pizza, afterall I have no idea what Ava likes aside from Taco Bell and I know Soph would murder me if I got that again.

The pizza arrives and I know Soph and Ava won't be long now so I sit on the couch and wait for them.

I hear a child laughing and the front door open and close before Ava come running into the room with Soph trailing behind her, she looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Dad." Ava shouts as she dives into my arms.

I lift her up and and hug her tightly. I was a fucking idiot to ever leave this kid.

"Hey, why don't you go into the next room? Food's in there, Ave." She nods and runs off again, hopefully she doesn't get herself lost.

I see Soph turn to walk out the room and follow Ava so I step forward and take hold of her arm.

"What's up? You sick or something, you're pale."

"It's just a lot." She says and I see her eyes fill with tears.


"This house, it hurts to be back. This room, I told you I was pregnant right over there." She says as she points at a spot right in front of the fireplace.

"I made the worst decision of my life right over there." I say with a small smile and point to the same place she did. Referring to when I kicked them both out.

"Damn right you did." She says with a light chuckle as her eyes clear back up and her sad expression is replaced with the smile I used to and still do love so much.

"We should probably find that kid of ours, if she eats anywhere near as fast and as much as she did last night, we'll be going hungry if we don't hurry up."

"Oh, get used to that. She got her appetite from you too. I've probably spent more on food for her in the past five years than I have on myself in the thirty eight years I've been alive, expensive child."

We both head into the dining room where Ava has put a slice of pizza onto each of hour plates and is sitting there patiently waiting for us both.

"You could have started." I say as me and Soph take our seats.

"Mommy says it's rude not to wait, especially as a guest."

"You ain't a guest. As long as you want it, this place is just as much yours as your moms apartment is." I look over to see Soph smiling, clearly happy that I'm making an effort with Ava.

Ava nods as she stuffs the pizza into her mouth, doing a little dance, I assume of happiness as she did it when she tasted the Taco Bell last night. Something that Hailie used to do as a child aswell.

After we've all eaten, we put a random cartoon on for Ava whilst me and Soph go to clean up the plates.

"I missed this." Soph breaks the silence as she loads the dishwasher. "It hurts to be here but just eating really crappy, greasy food and talking with you, I miss it. And having Ave here, it just feels right. I still don't like you but I'll still always see you as my family and I think I'll always love you, to a degree."

"Why don't we do this weekly then? Every Sunday, just the three of us. It'll be good for Ave."

"I'd like that, thank you."

"Look, I don't know how much you'll like this. It might seem like I'm getting involved too fast but I was wondering how you'd feel about me getting Ave a room decorated here. I'd like her to sleep her sometimes, spend a few days with me."

"I'd love that. She'd love that. I'm proud of you, you know that right?"

"Why the fuck would you be proud of me? I left you both."

"You're admitting you were wrong, I know how difficult that is for you." She says as she pulls me into a hug.

As she pulls away, we make eye contact and before I can even process what's happening she's reaching out to cup my face.

Then bringing her lips to mine she kisses me softly. This is only making me realise even more what a mistake I made to leave her, my hand almost instantly snakes around her waist to keep her close to me as we both melt in to the kiss.

Soph pulled away looking slightly worried and I feel a pang of sadness at the loss of connection.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"What? It's 'aight Soph. I kissed you back didn't I?"

She nods. "I'm gonna go get Ava. I'll see you same time next Sunday, ok?" She says as she leaves the room.

Was she really leaving, right after she kissed me?

Ava runs into the room and wraps her arms around me.

"Bye daddy. I love you." I feel tears fill my eyes at her telling me she loves me for the first time.

"Yeah, I love you too kid." I say and she turns to run out of the room.

I hear the front door close shut. I can't believe Soph's running now, after she kissed me...

A/N - sorry for the delay, I got sick again.

What do you think about the kiss?

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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