Chapter 33

305 15 5

October 25th 2023
Sophia's POV

As my sobbing slowly begins to clear and my breathing returns to normal I quickly become aware of nurses and doctors charging into the room Marshall was in. What the fuck was happening?

Jackie pushes my wheelchair back to my room to get me out of the way.

"What just happened Sweetie?"

"Panic attack. I had them when I was pregnant and after my daughter was born, I had them because of Marshall and I don't know why I just had one." I feel another tear slip from my eye.

"You think it might be because of what he did?" She asks and rubs my arm comfortingly.

I nod in response. "What was happening? Why were they all rushing in there?"

"I'll go and find someone who can tell me. Are you alright on your own?"


With that she gets up and leaves me alone with my own thoughts.

He'd really broken me and yet I can't stop loving him. Why?

Everything in me is screaming at me to get the fuck away from him, to get Ava away from him but the heart wants what it wants, right?

I wish I could erase all of this. I wish we could just turn back the clock and be the family that I always wanted us to be.

The door opens and Stevie walks in.

"Morning, Lainie and Hailie will be here in a minute. How you feeling?" She says and takes a seat next to my bed.

"Alright but I uhm ha-had a little moment. They took me to see your dad and I-I just couldn't. I had panic attack."

"Oh my god, are you ok?" She questions, concern written over her face.

"I am now. How are you holding up?"

"Honestly? Terrified." She confesses. Marshall always used to tell me how comfortable Stevie felt with me, apparently she'd tell me things that she wouldn't dream of telling him or Kim.

"Talk to me. What's going on in that head?"

"I thought you were gonna die and now I think dad's gonna die."

"But I didn't die, I'm here. Your dad has a greater chance to pull through than I did, keep that in mind."

"I need you both to be ok. It sounds so selfish but I don't even want that for Ava's sake, I want it for my own."

"Sometimes you have to be a little selfish." I say and reach over to squeeze her hand.

Jackie walks back into the room with Tanya.

"You wanted to know what was going on with Marshall?" Tanya asks causing Stevie to spin around to face them both.

"What? What about dad?"

"He was waking up, it caused his monitors to spike which lead us to rush into the room thinking something was wrong. He's alright. He's awake, I think it was you being in there that did that Sophia." Tanya explains.

"Thank God." Stevie cries and gets her phone out, presumably to call her sisters.

"Look, I know its a lot to ask Sophia and please don't feel as though you're being pressured into anything but he said something about hearing what you said. He keeps asking for you. Would you consider going?"

Can I? Can I face him again? I feel as though I owe it to Stevie, I don't even know why.

"I'll do it." I say, not giving myself the chance to turn back.

"You can leave whenever. We'll be right on the other side of that door." Jackie says as she begins to get me ready to leave the room once again.

What have I got myself in to? After earlier I'm terrified of going back into that room and facing him.

Jackie pushes my chair out into the corridor where Hailie quickly runs over, placing a small velvet box in my hand.

"The ring." Is all she says before heading into Stevie with Alaina behind her...

A/N - what do you think Marshall will have to say to Soph?

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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