Chapter 39

224 15 2

October 28th 2023
Marshall's POV

After watching the movie with Hailie and Ava, they both stayed for a few hours and ate with me.

We talked up until Paul called to let me know that Sophia was out of surgery and awake.

They left to head back to Hailie's and ai left for the hospital.

Heading through the back entrance and down the corridor towards Soph's room, hood up, head down I feel my nerves spike.

I hate fucking hospitals, I mean who doesn't? They're rarely associated with great, happy times in people's lives.

Walking the corridor to Soph's room I feel my thoughts drift, remembering Sophia saying that she gave birth alone.

Fuck. The guilt I've clearly been surpressing for so long washes over me again.

She must have been terrified. I sure know I would have been.

Homeless, jobless and giving birth, alone. Sounds like hell.

I put her through hell.

I let her go through one of the hardest things a human can go through, alone.

I let her birth my daughter alone, all because I wasn't man enough to face the consequences of my actions.

How the fuck must she have felt? Going through that pain with nobody to support her.

To top it all off, she knew it wouldn't get any better once the baby arrived. She knew she had nothing outside of the four walls of the hospital. She knew she had no way to provide for her little girl. Our little girl.

All because of me, I just sat back and let it all happen, completely oblivious.

I realise I've been standing outside of her door, just thinking.

I hesitantly reach my arm up and knock twice, wincing at the pain shooting through my wrist as a result of such a simple action.

Using my elbow, not risking any furthur pain, I manage open the door whilst keeping as much of my dignity in tack as possible.

"Hey you." I hear her weak voice speak up as I kick the door shut behind me.

"Yo, you good?"


"You can't go fucking scaring me like that Soph. You've had me going out of my damn mind." I say, taking a seat at the side of her bed. "So what happened?"

"My stitches tore, I lost blood, they operated to make sure everything was good and get me sewn back up." After she finishes speaking I notice her eyes glass over.

"Why do I sense a 'but' coming?"

"They did an ultrasound, to check on my insides." She pauses, a lone tear running down her cheek.

"Mhm. And?"

"No, its stupid. It doesn't matter anyway, its not something you even want so I don't know why I'm letting it bother me." She says, wiping a few more escaoed tears and finally turning to look at me properly.

I reach and grasp hold of her hand, not caring less about the discomfort it causes me.

"Soph, if you're reacting like that then there's clearly something wrong. Talk to me, please? What did they tell you?"

"They um, they saw adhesions in my uterus." She confesses, sniffling as she does so.

"I don't follow." I question, utterly confused.

"The adhesions stop me from having any more children. There's a surgery to remove them but it could make me permenantly infertile. I know you don't want it but I always wanted another baby." She breaks down after explaining the situation to me.

She's right, I never want another child. Call me selfish, I know she'd give anything for another but I just can't have a baby at 51.

I do notice however, despite my lack of desire for another child, a feeling of disappointment briefly wash over me and decide it might be best to change the subject.

"I saw Ave earlier."

"Huh?" Soph asks, obviously thinking about other things.

"Ave, Hailie and her came over earlier."

"Really? How is she? Ugh, I miss her so much."

"She's good, made me watch that stupid movie. What's it called?"

"Tangled, her favourite. Get used to it, at least twice a week. You'll know the whole script by Christmas, trust me."

"Ohhh nooo." I drag out, already losing the will to live and I've only watched it once. "I uh, I have the interview tomorrow so I best go. I have to get a flight to New York in and hour."

"Oh, ok. Good luck, fly safe." She says as I stand up and briefly wraps her arms around me in a much needed hug.

"Thanks. Bye." I say, quickly walking to the door.

"Oh and Marshall?"

I turn back to face her.

"I love you." She says, smiling sweetly at me.

"I love you too Soph. Now get some rest, we need you home soon."

I say, swinging the door open and closing it again, doing my best to block out the pain.

With my security following closely behind I make my way towards the back exit, unable to take my mind off of Soph's infertility confession...

A/N - I'm honestly so surprised this story is nearly at 10k reads, thank you so much.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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