Chapter 26

306 10 14

October 24th 2023
Hailie's POV

"Would you mind talking to her again if we went to see her? That way I can check her monitors right then and there."

"Of course, anything." I say, feeling a small but of hope.

I gather my things and rush to follow them to Soph's room...

We step into Soph's room and once again my ears are filled with the beeping of the machine's keeping Soph alive.

Jackie stands at the end of the bed as James places himself beside the monitors. I stay rooted to the spot by the door, still conpletly overwhelmed with what my life has come to this past week.

I look at James who smiles at me and nods, an attempt to comfort me and reassure that it was ok whilst simultaneously telling me to get on with talking to her.

I walk over to Soph's bedside and take her hand in mine giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Hey Soph. Me again." I look up a James who shakes his head to let me know nothing has happened on the monitor yet.

"You're probably fed up of me already, huh?" I say with a chuckle. "We had your parents over last night, it was great to catch up with them again. You remember that tim-" I stop myself as I realise every memory I'm thinking of includes dad. She most likely doesn't want to hear about him.

I notice Jackie and James watching me, probably curious as to why I stopped.

"Ava was happy to see them but word of warning if you hadn't already discovered, Taco Bell makes her so damn hyper, like who has that sort of energy?" I squeeze her hand a little more as I notice James furrow his brow a little as he glances at the monitor.

"What's happening?" I whisper, almost afraid of the answer.

"Just as you asked the question, the line on the chart spiked. She responded to you." He says and both him a Jackie crack a smile. "Keep going." He urges.

"Evan's looking after her right now, says they're visiting Alaina or something, means they'll all load her with sugar and I'll be in for another interesting afternoon." I laugh and so does Jackie as James continues to stare at the monitor.

"You've done great with her. On your own, I have no idea how you've done it. She's so polite. I love her so much already. You know how you don't know how much you wanted something until its here? That's exactly what its like with Ave. I hated the idea of another sibling but I swear I love her more than anything. We need you though Soph. We all do, please just get better." I say as a tear slips down my cheek.

I kiss her hand and as I'm about to pull away, I feel her squeeze lightly again. It seems James notices this aswell as he leaves the room in a hurry, shouting that he'll be back in a second.

"This is great." Jackie smiles at me.

Just as I go to reply, James enters with another doctor.

"This is Dr Tanya Webb, I just want her opinion on these readings. Make sure I'm not getting ahead of myself."

I nod politely at her as she offers me a smile and I walk over to Jackie as the two crowd around the machine's at Soph's bedside.

After what feels like a lifetime but is most likely only a couple of minutes they both turn to face me. Jackie, sensing my nerves takes my hand in hers.

"So, it does seem that you have some sort of effect on Sophia's brain activity." James smiles at me.

"Although I'm not too sure what that does exactly mean for Miss Whitely's condition as of yet, it is promising that she is obviously still aware of things surrounding her regardless of her unconsciousness." Dr Webb says. "I'm sure these two lovely people have already offered but if you have any questions, I'll always be available to answer them. From now I'll be working alonside Dr Davies here to help Miss Whitely in her recovery. I'm deeply sorry for what you're going through." She adds with a smile before leaving the room.

"Well that's gre-" James begins but is cut off as my phone starts to ring.

I glance down at the caller ID seeing Paul's name flash up.

"I'm really sorry, can I take this?" He nods in response as I hit the answer button.

"Hey Paul." I say, feeling pretty happy given the good news we've just had.

"Hailie, we have a problem"...

A/N - I'd say sorry but that would be lying, I couldn't resist making you wait a little longer to find out anything else about Marshall's condition.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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