Chapter 18

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October 23rd 2023
Hailie's POV

The past six days have been a blur.

Dad got arrested on the 18th and released on bail the same day, the police said something about not being able to continue with the investigation until they talk to Sophia.

None of us have been bothered to go see him. I think Paul's been a couple times though.

Ava found out that we were her sisters and she's been staying with myself and Evan. She's becoming more distant, not really talking or eating. She mostly just cries and begs for her mom and dad, she knows Soph's in hospital but I can't bring myself to tell her its because of her dad.

Paul has been working his ass off to keep this away from the media. They know dad got arrested, they know it was for assult but that's about it. Paul doesn't want Ava or Soph to get caught up in the media side of this, at least not yet anyway.

Alaina and Stevie seem overwhelmed, they've given themselves the time to process all of this. I chose to do the opposite, that's why I took Ava in, I figured she'd keep me distracted.

Uncle Nate calls what feels like every five minutes, I think what he, Ash and the kids saw is bothering them more that they'd ever admit.

As for Soph, everything's unclear. When she got to the hospital on the 17th she was still unconscious and they medicated her to keep it that way. Apparently she'd be in more pain if she was awake.

They took scans, they believe she has a mild concussion but can't really tell much else about head trauma until she's awake. They also said she had a minor bleed from somewhere in her abdomen but it wasn't a cause for concern, that was the case until the following day.

She was stable through the night but the following morning her appendix ruptured and the bleed was now drowning her from the inside.

They rushed her in for surgery, her heart stopped twice but they put a clip on the bleed and took out her appendix.

She's been in the ICU ever since, the hospital calls everyday but there never seems to be any major update.

They're becoming worried about her not waking up yet though. They've asked me to go in today, I'm terified. I've begged but they haven't let me see her the past few days and now they want to talk to me.

I'm taking Alaina and Stevie, mostly just for the support but I also know that I need to figure something out with them. I can't go on watching Ava like this. I need to figure out how to help her, its breaking me.

I didn't think I ever wanted another sibling but now I have her, I adore her. In such a short space of time she's become my whole world and now I'm watching her crumble.

I can't believe dad did this. The man I've admired and loved my entire life just ruined our whole family and I'm not sure I can ever forgive him for that.

Evan said he'd take Ava to Taco Bell  whilst we were at the hospital. She told us that was her favourite and I'd honestly settle for her eating even just a bite of something right now.

I see Alaina's car pull into my driveway and head out, climbing into the back seat.

"Hey." I say as cheerily as I can.

"Hi, how's Ava?" Alaina says. Stevie is sitting in the passenger seat and has made no effort, she's just staring blankly out of the window.

I know how much this bothers her, we were all close to Soph before her and dad's split but Stevie was by far the closest.

She felt as though she could say anything to Soph. It was before she'd come out and from what she's said the past few days, she said Soph was the one person she didn't have to feel like she was hiding her true self around.

"Not great. I'm lost, I don't know how to help her."

"Maybe she just needs the truth. She knows why she can't see mom but for her it'll be like her dad came into her life and left again. She probably just feels rejected and unworthy."

"He keeps texting me, he wants to see her." Thirty times yesterday he tried to contact me, he's desperate.

"Maybe we should let him?" Alaina offers.

"I don't know. I think it might help her but I just don't know. What if it does more harm than good? I mean, how would Soph feel?"

"You're right but if Ave doesn't improve, it may be our last resort." Alaina suggests.

"And it'll stay as a last resort. I don't want my baby sister anywhere near that monster." Stevie now says, finding her voice.

We sit in silence for the rest of the journey and as soon as the car is parked we all jump out and walk straight into the hospital, heading for the reception desk.

"We're here to see Sophia Whitely." I say with a little smile.

The lady behind the desk nods, her face morphing into one of pity, clearly familiar with Soph's situation.

"Of course. Are you family?"

"Kind of, I guess. She's our sisters mom. I'm Hailie, I've been getting calls everyday, they said I need to come in."

"Ah, yes. What were the names sorry, I need them for visitor passes?" She gestures to Stevie and Lainie.

"Alaina, this is Stevie." Alaina answers, sensing that Stevie is in no mood for talking.

She types for a minute, disappears and then returns with three stickers with our names written on them.

"Keep these on, I'll call a nurse to take you to her." She says, offering us a smile.

"Thank you."

I stand, my eyes fixated on a small area of chipped paint on the waiting room wall. I don't think of anything, my mind void of any emotion or thought right now.

A nurse walks towards us.

"For a Miss Sophia Whitely?" The three of us nod in sync.

"Right this way. I'm Jackie, one of the nurses who's been caring for Sophia the past few days. I'll let you visit her and then we'll discuss some things with the doctor, is that ok? Also, her parents will be sitting in on our meeting." Her parents have called Ava every night, they've been in California on vacation and unable to get a flight home, they left just after Ava's birthday. Maybe, just maybe if she sees them in person it can pull Ava out of this depression she's in.

"That's fine." Alaina says as we continue to follow Jackie down the corridor. "And I know its your job but for what its worth, thank you for helping her."

Jackie stops in front of a door in the Intensive Care Unit and smiles at Alaina.

"She's just in here. Let me know if you need anything." Jackie says and walks off.

We take deep breaths and I open the door.

The sight before me says that this is worse than I could have ever imagined...

A/N - I didn't plan on doing so but I figured the best way I could continue to write this was through the POV of one of the girls and I figured because she was caring for Ava, Hailie was the best choice.

As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

~ Im 💕

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