CHAPTER 23 - Moment Of Truth

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"Ummm...sir...and...maam...are there any problems with the food?"

The waitress said hesitantly. Right now there's Zee with Chawarin, eating breakfast in the restaurant that they just went to yesterday. But the difference is... there's also Zee's grandma here.

Sitting across their table as Zee stares at her. As if he was irritated by the presence of his grandma there.

"No, there's no problem miss"


So today, as usual, after waking up, we started our day with breakfast. You know like any other person will do, so I was planning to take Nhu to the same restaurant yesterday. Just the two of know, like what we did yesterday.

But then I got a phone call, and it was no one other than my grandma. Ouh yeah... must be about the matter yesterday. That's what she promised me yesterday, she owes me an explanation.

But when I answered the call, I didn't expect that she wanted to meet me now... I said to her 'What about in the afternoon?'

But then she refused it and insisted on meeting me now, she also said that it was just a waste of time if I was about to meet her later. The sooner the better.

And that's how we ended up the restaurant as Nhu sat right beside me while my grandma sat in front of me.

"So... explain to me now then..."

I said as soon as we've settled on this one table that is far separated from another table, so no one will hear us.

"Can't I just eat with you guys first? What's up with the rush? I was here anyway... it's not like the guy will disappear now right?"

"Since when did you order your food? I didn't say you could join us to eat breakfast though?"

"Why? Am I third wheeling or something? Since when did y'all become boyfriends though?"


And that got me shutting up my mouth. Nhu was sitting beside me, he was just eating like usual. He's using a spoon now but I didn't say if his eating in a clean way by the way.



As Nhu turns his head at me, I take the tissue and wipe his mouth. Why is he eating in such a mess by the way? Well I just helped him, it's not wrong right?

And after that I go back to eat my food, sometimes Nhu will offer me his food using a spoon. And I'll eat them of course, and after that I will feed him using my spoon in return. I don't want him to sulk with me later.

And there... I feel a gaze in front of me, pierced through me....shit I just forgot that my grandma was also here...I just take a glance at her and act like nothing happened.

"Hmmm... Being an air is good too, na..."

My grandma said to me in a sarcastic way. I know she is just teasing me but...there is something about her expression that looks....not right.

As if...she didn't like what she saw in front of her.

As we finished our food, I didn't waste any more time and asked her questions.

"Okay, now tell me everything that you know. And don't you dare lie to me"

She takes a long sigh as she wipes the corner of her mouth.

"You really can't wait huh? Do you want tell it straight to you?"

Why is she asking though?? Yes! Yes I want! But the way she said that as if something that was hurtful about to be told soon.

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