CHAPTER 3 - Rejection

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After gathering all of his courage yesterday, Zee finally makes a decision to meet face to face again with Lia. You know...since Lia is the love of his life today is the day.

Zee parked his car in front of the hospital. Actually, Zee is indeed a busy man. His company even called him about his gallery exhibition this morning but Zee still makes excuses. Welp soon he needs to go back to Bangkok.

Zee makes his way to the hospital, he steps in from the main door and goes to the elevator. He goes to the floor where Lia's room is. When the elevator was already open, he saw this old lady standing in front of the elevator.

His eyes got wide as soon as his eyes landed on the lady. Almost like he can't believe it.

"Why are you lookin at me like you just saw a ghost?"



I came back to the hospital after 2 days staying in Chiang Mai. Actually Chiang Mai is not even my home town, it's just close to my home town in Chiang Rai. The company just called me this morning because of the exhibition. Urgh...god i hope something happens so that the exhibition will be postponed.

After what happened 2 days ago, i don't know whether to come back there or not yesterday. But now I have already gathered all my courage and is good to go facing Lia now. Hurmmm...what should i say to her..

As I entered the hospital I kept thinking about what I should say to her. When i entered the hospital elevator suddenly something came into my mind. well .. what's up with the guy from 2 days ago...did his family already come to take him home? Is there anyone able to see him? Did he already go?

That question suddenly popped up in my mind. Until the elevator door opens. Without me realising it i already reached the floor that I wanted to go to. I was about to step out when I noticed someone in front of the elevator as the door was opening.

As soon as my eyes lay on the old lady in front of eyes got wide. I was really in shock not gonna lie.

"Why are you looking at me like you just saw a ghost?"


I was shocked because how can she be here?!?
I quickly got out of the elevator.

"Grandma?! How can you be here? Aren't you supposed to be in Chiang Rai?"

I said to her.

"Uihhhhhh no need to shout! My ear is gonna fall off"

She said while covering one of her ears with her palm

"Uihhh tell me already"

"I came to see Lia...what else"

"I thought you were the one who is sick grandma"

"Why should I come here? I can heal myself up! Now move..."

"Aip can you even know that Lia got an accident"

I said while blocking my grandmother's way.

"Should i hit you with my fist first? I'm a shaman of course i know! Before i hit you for real...move!"

Then my grandma pretends to hit me for real but i quickly get away. Heheheh...i actually like to play with her like that ..more like teasing actually...i almost forgot that she's actually a shaman.

I walked to her room and then there i saw her...leaning on the bed head. There's a cast on her right hand and left leg.

"Aow...Zee? Since when did you come to Chiang Mai?"

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