CHAPTER 8 - Regret

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"No, I will take my leave now..."


Third person POV

The nurse just nodded her head. Then Zee just stands up and makes his way out of the hospital. He takes a last glance at the guy in bed.

'This will be the last time I will see you...and after this... I won't be seeing you anymore'

Zee said that inside his heart.

After that Zee got into his car that he parked not too far away from the hospital. He wore his seatbelt and drove away from there.

But somehow... somehow...there is this one heavy feeling in his chest. A feeling like... guilty... or is it something else? Zee also doesn't have any idea on what he was feeling right now.

While he was driving, as he stopped his car at the red traffic lights, he let out a heavy sigh...this pressure in his chest didn't go away since he took his leave from the hospital.

He hit his chest hard a few times. But still...the feeling, it didn't go away...

"Keep it together you fool!!!"

He shouted to himself.

'That guy just bothered you... isn't it?'

Zee thought that to himself but it just makes him more frustrated. He punched the steering wheel before running his hand through his hair.

"Hahhhh...just what's wrong with you really..."

He said to himself before just resting his forehead in the steering wheel. And all that he can see is a flashback of how that guy smiled at him. Just how genuine and innocent that smile is to him.

"Am I going crazy? Why suddenly I think about that weirdo..."

Zee said to himself again. And suddenly he could feel a small arm wrapped around him. Yeah it's just a feeling and it's not really there. Somehow he felt regret didn't return those genuine hugs again.

'I can't do this anymore'

He thought inside his head before someone honked him from behind. When he looked up, the lights had already turned green. This is the last U turn...

"Forget about it..."

Zee said as he pressed the pedal beneath him.



Is it normal to suddenly do things like this? I don't know how I end up driving back to the hospital... I actually almost reached my hotel but I don't know why... halfway there, I turned my car back to the way to the hospital. Actually I am also not quite sure what to do once I reach there.

It's almost 9 when I reach the hospital. I quickly make my way to the guy's floor. Well as long as no one is stopping me now I, myself will do as I want.

I step inside the ward, expecting that the guy will already wake up... looking at me with his boba eye, giving me his silly smile and run to me with an open arm. But to my shock, he was not even sleeping there...he was gone.

The roses were not there... neither the bag with clothes was also not there. The bed where both of us used to sit a few days ago now belongs to someone else.

"Excuse me! Excuse me...where is the patient that used to be here before?"

As I saw a nurse nearby, I quickly asked the nurse those questions.

"Eh? You again sir?"

As the nurse turned around and spoke to me, I realized it was the nurse from before.


I awkwardly answered the nurse.

"Well...he already I told you before he has already been discharged from this hospital...and can leave whenever he wants"

Honestly I was very shocked when the nurse told me so. can they just let go of someone that barely can talk or even take care of themselves?!?

"Since when did he leave??"

I ask again. The nurse looked at me and raised one of her eyebrows.

"But sir... didn't you say you didn't know this person? That means you are a stranger to him neither him is a stranger to you..."

I got stunned there when the nurse said that to me. Now I regret that I didn't agree with her statement before.

"I...I know him... please"

I just hopelessly said that to the nurse. I don't know if she still buys what I said earlier. Cuz she just sighed after I said that.

"See? I told ya...well I should not tell you this information but...he just left a few hours ago...and he also didn't say where he would go. I'm sorry to disappoint you.."

As she told me that information, I quickly dashed out from the ward. For some reason my heart dropped when she told me that.

I don't even care if I looked like a confused freak running around in the hospital hallway anymore. I don't even know why I have this sudden urge to find him. It's like an impulsive body just moved on its own to find him.

As I made my way out of the hospital I started looking for him nearby. Maybe he is still not too far away from here. I also searched for him near the convenience store, across the road even asking people near there if they had seen any small guy wearing a hospital gown passing here before.

But it seems like no one can give me the exact answer that I want to hear. The sky starts to pour...and it makes me more worried now. I started to search again, running here and there. Asking anyone there...

Impossible. I stopped running as I was out of breath. I was breathing heavily when I had this helpless thought inside my head , He must be far away from here now... afterall it's been a few hours since he left the hospital.

Everyone starts to walk to the sheltered places as the rain starts to nonstop pouring to the ground.

I just let the rain fall down on me, soaking me from head to toe. While I'm still standing in the middle of a sidewalk, Then I realized...

Just what the hell am I doing right now... isn't that good that he finally made his way to his home? I, myself also said that I don't want to see him anymore today... Didn't I feel bothered when he suddenly clung to me back on the first day we met at the hospital?.. shouldn't it be good that I don't have to deal with that weirdo anymore?

So why...why am I feeling this way?...somehow l didn't feel relieved... I looked up to the pouring I feeling sad that now I'm not going to see him anymore?

I slowly make my way to the bus stop in front of me. I should at least take shelter from the rain...

At that point... I was very close to giving up...but then, I saw someone sitting at the bus stop. Wearing a familiar loose black leather jacket,

With a bouquet of pink roses in the arm.

To be continued....

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