CHAPTER 6 - Hi! I'm Chawarin!

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"Universe...why did my life go like this? I don't feel like anyone ever loves the end everyone that I love eventually leaves me...are love even real? I started to doubt mother...she said that she loves me....but in the end she leaves me as it you that takes her away from me? Or is it just her that left me?"

A little boy was now on the edge of a cliff. Holding something on his hands. It was night but the moon is round and very bright to the point where you still can see things faintly without a light source. The star was shining down to earth reflecting on sea water. What a beautiful night it is.

"Universe, please tell me that you are there..."

The boy pleaded. But silence was surrounding him. He heard nothing but the sea waves crashing on the rock down the cliff.

"What am I even doing now... it's not like mother will come back anyway.."

The things that he holds in his hand, a necklace. He clenched it in his hand before throwing it to the sea.

"Mother will never come back... There's no use for me to hold on to this necklace anymore..."

He mumbles.

"Make me the biggest that I can make it far away from here... Far away from this I still can believe that happiness still exists...since I already lost my happiness once...make me believe that there is still a reason for me to keep going"

A second after that, the boy then got away from that place. Little did he know that something from the distance heard every word he said...

"How sad..."

A star, twinkling in the sky.

"Universe... I wish to descend on earth"

A napping star voice out.



"Wake up... Wake up CHAWARIN..."

The sound of a voice echoes through the blank space.

"Who..who are you?"

He looks all around trying to find where the source of the voice came from. But it seems like it comes from nowhere but inside his head.

"Do not be afraid, star... I'll hear your wishes and your wish is to be descended to earth...but once you are there, you will be nothing like an ordinary will be born nothing from a human. You must remember that you are a star Chawarin...did you hear the wishes just now?"

"I... I do..."

"Fullfil his wishes... that was your only mission star"

"Then... how do I find him?"

"You will find your way... Don't worry I'll always be above you watching every step that you take...but mark my words, you have a time limit of 6 months. If you succeed, as an exchange you can live on earth as a fully human being. And as the time being, as you step out from the sea, you may not step your foot again to the sea until you finish your mission. Or not... I'm afraid that the sea will take your soul away since you are also born part from the sea"

"But what if I failed?"

"Then you may come back here and be part of the sky again... You can always comeback star... You always have a place here Chawarin..."

The voice starts to get smaller by the end of the sentences... and soon disappears from his hearing.


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