Truth Or Dare

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A few days later, at night in Emily's room, Emily and Odette snuggle together for the first time in Emily's bed, with Emily hugging Odette like a soft toy.

Emily: (thoughtfully) You know, I never imagined I'd find someone like you... especially not after everything that's happened.

Odette: (tenderly) Sometimes, the best things come when we least expect them. And I'm grateful to have found you too, Emily. Or should I say, Princess Emily?

Emily: (nervously) Oh yeah... that.

Odette: (calmly) You know you can't keep avoiding Charlie and Lucifer forever, right?

Emily: (nervously) I don't know what you're talking about.

Odette looks at Emily, giving her a look as Emily sighs in defeat.

Emily: (defeated) Okay, maybe I have been avoiding them for the past two weeks, but can you blame me? They're gonna freak out when they find out I'm one of them.

Odette: (calmly) And you think keeping it a secret is gonna make things better?

Emily: (defensively) Hey, like you're no better. You haven't told your mother or Clara about the fact that you have a robotic leg.

Odette: (sighing) Touche. But avoiding the inevitable won't make it any easier. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way. Sometimes, we have to face our fears and confront the truth, no matter how daunting it may seem.

Emily: (hesitantly) I know you're right. It's just... scary. What if they reject me? What if Lucifer- I mean, my Dad disowns me?

Odette: (reassuringly) Emily, you're still the same person they know and love, no matter what. And if they truly care about you, they'll accept you for who you are, wings and all.

Emily: (softly) Thanks, Odette. I needed to hear that.

The two share a moment of silence before Emily rolls herself on top of Odette, crossing her arm onto Odette.

Odette: (blushing) Emily, what are you doing?

Emily: (teasingly) Oh, just making sure you don't go anywhere. You're my comfort plushie, remember?

Odette chuckles, her cheeks still tinted pink.

Odette: (playfully) Well, I'm not complaining. Being your cuddle buddy isn't such a bad thing.

Emily smiles, feeling a warmth spread through her as she nestles closer to Odette.

Emily: (excited) How about a little childish game before we go to sleep?

Odette: (blushing) I'm not really one for playing games.

Emily: (teasingly) Oh, come on, Odette, don't tell me you've never played a game in your life.

Odette looks at Emily awkwardly, looking away.

Emily: (shocked) You've got to be kidding.

Odette: (sheepishly) I wish I was. What did you have in mind?

Emily grins mischievously, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Emily: How about a classic game of truth or dare?

Odette's eyes widen in surprise, but she can't help but smile at Emily's enthusiasm.

Odette: (surprised) Well, I suppose there's a first time for everything. Besides, I know you won't force me to do anything I don't want to.

Emily: (grinning) Exactly! And don't worry, I'll go easy on you... for now. So, truth or dare?

Odette hesitates for a moment, contemplating her options before finally making her decision.

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