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"Bring it on!!", you heard someone shout.


You switched your eyes open again, finding yourself right at the bottom of the stairs, watching Ava walk away from you.

Oh my god... She reversed everything...

And now what? Who were you supposed to go find? Did you need to go to Changbin? You were pretty sure that if you did that, the game would be over. But how were you supposed to find the rest of the kids then?

You figured the answer to your question on your own, as some force, greater than you, seemed to be leading your every step.

Steadily walking to the other side of the room, you pushed your way through everyone, finally making it to the black leather L-shaped couch there.

You were greeted by soft giggling sounds coming from a girl sitting on a guy's lap. It was actually surprising you were able to hear them despite the loud music. You couldn't clearly see the male, but you could tell he was leaving kisses all over her neck from the way he was moving.

Get a freaking room, you people...

"Oh my god!", a second girl dramatically gasped from next to you. You turned to her, only to realise she was looking at the couple, just like you were, "I thought you were off the country"

The guy let out a series of colourful cuss words in his rather attractive accent, and after mentally preparing himself for what was about to come, he pushed the girl off of him.

You let out a silent chuckle. You would recognise that voice anywhere. Addicted was the ultimate understatement to describe your obsession over it.

And his overall looks were no different. His sharp jaw and intoxicating eyes were simply to die for. You loved the way his hair feel to the sides, allowing his forehead to stand out.

There was something about the way he sat with his legs slightly spread apart, that made him irresistible. Then again in your eyes, he had always been.

So there was a reason I ended up here, after all...

"You told me you left for America", the girl grew louder, pointing her finger at the two accusingly.

"I'm... back?", he smiled awkwardly.

"What is she talking about?", the woman from next to him wondered, her eyes growing wide and clearly confused.

"I thought you actually liked me!", she ignored the female in front of her like she didn't even exist.

"Are the two of you together?", the sat girl looked back and forth between them.

"No!", he was quick to reply, rushing to place his hand on her thigh where it previously sat.

"I thought we had something special..."

"We... did?", he smiled again.

The woman scoffed at his audacity walking closer to him and spilling her drink all over his clothes.

"You're such a jerk!"

He sucked in a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, and then took a moment to recompose himself as he watched her walk away.

After he was done, he turned to the other girl, smiling, "Why don't we catch up to where we left off?"

She rolled her eyes at him, standing up and getting lost in the crowd ahead.

"Damn it! My favourite shirt got dirty for nothing?", he sighed, rubbing the huge stain his 'favourite shirt' had just attained.

You were finally done entertaining yourself from afar, confidently making your way to the couch and plopping down next to him.

"I never took you for such a player, Mr. Yang Jeongin!"

𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝗕𝗜𝗔𝗦? ⟿ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now