Chapter 13: Phantom

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Chapter 13: Phantom


You quickly press on your gas and swerve to the right, hard, the sudden change in momentum and direction nearly causing you to lose control. The Titan's hand had swung to the left and nearly knocked you out in the process, but you were quick to react.

I'm not getting swatted again you piece of shit..!

Yelling curse words as you kick off a tree to gain momentum, you swing your arms backwards and slash into the Titan's neck. Blood, steam, a piece of flesh. Another success! Your first two kills.

Without wasting any time, you shoot your grapple hooks to the trees where Niko was, and launch yourself to safety.

"You did it!" Niko breathed a sigh of relief, colour coming back to his face.

You shoot a dirty look at the two Scouts who were gawking at you. "Useless! You need a medic to kill a Titan for you?" you yell in anger. "Get moving!"

Adrenaline coursed through your veins and your heart beat rapidly, and you're unsure if it's from your thrill from killing the Titans or your anger at the Scouts. They had one job, and they chose to remain frozen in fear while you, a doctor, had to be one to slash the Titans. You look back at Niko who had a mortified look on his face and probably never heard you swear and scream like that before.

"For a moment, I thought you were Captain Levi," Niko said, jaw still hanging open.

You scowl at him. "Haha. Funny."

Speaking of Levi, you hear wires firing near you, and Levi himself whizzes past you and Niko. You make brief eye contact, his eyes had a look of concern in them. You're covered in Titan blood, and there are two decomposing Titan bodies right below you. You wonder if Levi had seen everything.

Levi then disappears into the forest with Mikasa and towards Eren's location. Something is wrong. Mikasa lost her usual calm composure and looks like she's on the brink of a murderous rampage. You decide to focus on your patients, this was your duty.

You managed to catch Levi in action, engaging the Female Titan. The way he moved was so terrifyingly fast that even your eyes could not keep up, Levi was the true embodiment of pushing the limits of the human body, and you didn't know whether to be amazed or frightened. You watch as Levi pushes Mikasa out of the way of the Female Titan's hand, and when he pushes away the Titan's hand with his foot, there is a dull crunch of an ankle breaking and a pained cry from Levi.

"Levi!" you cried out before you could stop yourself, realising too late that you had addressed him by his first name in front of the Scouts.

Levi did not stop. He slices the jaw of the Female Titan with razor-like precision, allowing a bundled up Eren to slide out of its mouth. He wastes no time pulling Eren out, covered in some sort of mucus, and retreats. Erwin initiates a full retreat and in no time, you're all back on your horses and carts, headed straight for the Wall.

"Captain, your leg!" you call out and land in the cart where Levi is. Next to him is an unconscious Eren and a distressed Mikasa, desperately trying to clear the mucus off Eren and get him to breathe.

"I'm fine, check on that brat first," he grunted. Your eyes fall on Eren's figure, who looks dangerously still.

"Eren isn't breathing!" Mikasa cries in a distressed tone, and she looks up at you pleadingly.

You immediately rush to Eren's side and check on his vitals, indeed he is not breathing.

"What's wrong with that brat?" Levi asked.

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