Chapter 7: Time Bomb

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Chapter 7: Time Bomb

Day before the expedition

Despite the expedition happening tomorrow, you still had to do regular training to keep in shape. Today, as a warm-up, Keith Shadis instructed you and the other doctors to get into position for a quick hand-to-hand combat session.

He assigned everyone a partner, and you wanted to curse the universe when you saw a familiar red-haired figure standing on your assigned spot.

Johanne Olbrich is your sparring partner.

You just had to be partnered with that vermin. Well, you had a one out of three chance to be partnered with her anyway, considering that the only remaining options were Mario and Niko. You tensed up immediately and tried to calm yourself down.

Johanne's red hair was tied into a slick high ponytail. She turned around, and you found her serpent green eyes staring straight at you.

Oh boy, it's going to be another long day.

You looked around the training grounds to distract yourself, because you absolutely could not stand seeing her cantankerous face. You spotted Mario near your assigned spot. He was warming up, about to spar with Niko. Mario saw your assigned partner and looked at you with worry.

'You gonna be okay?' he mouthed to you from a distance. You smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He pointed two fingers to his eyes and then pointed it to Johanne's direction, as if saying 'I'm watching her'. You wanted to giggle. He really is looking out for you, and you thought about how he gives off such a sweet little brother vibe.

Keith Shadis gave the command to begin the hand-to-hand combat session. To win and score a point, you need to knock the other opponent down and disable them. You didn't speak a word to Johanne as you warmed up on your own and got your position ready. Both of you are now in your fighting stance, ready to strike.

"Looks like you got your way. Did you get your dreamy Captain to recommend you for the expedition?" Johanne scoffed. Clearly someone was unhappy about not being chosen for the expedition. Geez, what happened to girls supporting girls?

"I'm sure you already know that they chose us based on performance," you remarked.

"Performance in what? Finding backdoors to climb ranks?" she smirked, "I'll expose you, one day."

"This again?" you glowered. You were still irked from the incident with Levi earlier, which already put you in a bad mood, and Johanne's attitude was not helping.

Levi found time to reach the training area just before it began. He told Erwin he was going to 'supervise those newbie doctors', but really, that was just a lame excuse he came up with so that he could see you.

As soon as he spotted you, he furrowed his browns upon seeing Johanne Olbrich across you.

"What do you mean, this again?" Johanne readies her fighting form. "Scared of getting called out?"

"You're the coward for needing a girl group to gang up on me."

As soon as those words left your mouth, a fist flew straight towards your direction.

Your eyes widened in alarm, and you rapidly swung your body out of the fist's way, barely missing it by a mere inch. Johanne had made her first move, but she got a little too hasty.

As Johanne staggered forward from the momentum of missing the punch, in a split second, you took advantage of her exposed back.

You intercepted the blow and quickly grabbed hold of Johanne's arm, twisting it and bringing it behind her. You brought your knee on her back, sending Johanne straight to the ground with a loud thud. Johanne turned her head and looked up at you, startled and angry.

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