Celebrating New Year's

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Michael Myers:

          He isn't one to celebrate holidays other than Halloween (That being said he only celebrates Halloween by killing everyone). So it was new for him when you brought up New Year's. You told him that they had a whole countdown for the new year. He tilted his head at you but agreed reluctantly to celebrate. Michael didn't want to watch the countdown and instead wanted to enjoy it with just you. He held his arms around your waist as you watched the clock count down and down. "One!" you said, kissing his cheek. Michael's eyes widened, yet they weren't noticeable. You laughed as he stayed still for a moment before lifting his mask up just a bit to kiss you correctly. 

Billy and Stu:

        The two were excited for New Year and not for the party and things like that, no, they were excited to have a reason to kiss you and make love. (Wink wink). The party was fantastic even if it was just the three of you. You all talked about your hopes for the new year, Billy and Stu's hopes were a bit off the chart but nothing surprising for you. "I hope we don't get caught this year!" Billy and Stu laughed, the clock counted down and before you knew it the two boys leaned into you. You giggled as you turned off the lights, and the boys screamed as their lips touched each other. "C'mere, sweetheart," Billy said sternly, gripping your hip. Stu pulled his body weight onto you. "Leave breathing room for me!" he said to Billy before absolutely destroying your lips. 

Jason Voorhees:

      You two obviously didn't have that much tech at the camp so you two watched an alarm clock go down. You both said- or wrote down resolutions, even if you knew you weren't going to check all the boxes. "You ready?" You asked Jason, 11:58 pm the clock read, you gave some time for Jason to become comfortable with taking his mask off to kiss you well before this. Jason shook his hand a bit to say 'maybe' You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Three, two...one!" you said, Jason took his mask off a bit. You kissed for a quick moment before pulling back. Yet, Jason didn't let go of your hip.

Freddy Krueger:

        Oh no. Yeah, this dude gonna go ham on that kiss. The two of you watched the TV play the countdown, Freddy did NOT rip his hand away from your back for even a SECOND, he held you super close so that your chest and his chest were touching. The two of you counted down until it hit one and dramatically kissed. (Y'all already know what's happening next). 

Bubba Sawyer:

       You two sat on the floor in front of the clock, his family never celebrated New Year's but Bubba did anything for you. You clued him in on what he'd been missing for the past years of his life. You held his hand as you both looked at the clock, his family literally worried for your sanity. You counted down silently, Bubba turned to you confused as to why you counted down aloud, but as it hit one you kissed him. He was immediately taken aback. "Sorry! I didn't know if you were ready for that or not!" you covered your mouth but Bubba shook his head and gestured to get closer again. He kissed you again, AGAIN. 

Patrick Bateman:

        Most unromantic kiss of all time. You two sat together for the first time in a long time. Yet, he didn't pay attention and just pecked you on the lips quickly when you forced him close to you. Then he'd go straight back to work. 

Harry Warden:

      Harry broke into someone's condo just for you and him. The two of you watched the New Year's Rockin' Eve while on the king-sized bed that had been available to you. You sat in between Harry's lap, your head resting on his chest as he wrapped his hands around your midsection. "Three," you started counting, "Two," you said as Harry pulled you in closer. "One," you said finally kissing Harry. He had done a few things things to his mask so you two could kiss properly. "Happy New Year, Harry," you whispered. 

Tom Hanniger:

     You ripped him away from the mirror "What are you doing, babe?" He asked, "Don't you remember? It's New Year's!" you said happily. Tom smiled. "I'm sorry I forgot," he said quietly, leaning in a bit. "Hey, that's for the end of New Year's Eve," you poked his nose as you turned on the TV. "C'mon- I can't do it now? I can barely resist when you look like that." He said, scanning every inch of you. "I'll get the drinks," you smirked, getting some Pinot Noir. "Fancy~" Tom said, reaching for the glass. "Only the best for the new year," the two of you counted down before- "One!" You both said in unison, leaning in to kiss, Tom's hands roamed your body, and you pulled away a bit but didn't leave his grasp.

Norman Bates:

      Heh, alright. You two stayed In the motel, watching the clock from the main entrance. "W-what are your w-wishes for the n-new year?" he asked, you smiled, "I'm hoping we can get out and explore more." Norman blushed. "I-i'm sorry I-I've been holding y-you back." He looked down, and you wrapped your hand in his, "Just listen three...two...one!" you smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth. 

I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise of having another long chapter. :(, but anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll be doing the worldwide holidays for now. (YK like Halloween and Valentine's Day). 

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