Meeting Them

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Michael Myers:

       You had originally planned to go to a party yet you couldn't since your parents refused to let you out tonight. They said there could be devastating things that could happen to you on Halloween. 'Like that's gonna happen' You thought to yourself as you lay in your bed, watching a movie. You sighed and closed your eyes for a moment, missing out on the fun you could be having this minute. the room when silent as the characters on the screen when through the thinking phase. You almost fell asleep when you caught something out of the corner of your eye.

       "Hello?" you said, you swore you heard a breath. You turned back to where you were originally facing, and what lay before your eyes was a tall man, an emotionless mask replaced his real face. You yelled and covered your mouth, "W-wait! I'm not who you think I am!" you cried, the man tilted his head. Out of fear, you closed your eyes again, but when you opened them the man was gone. 

Billy and Stu:

       You settled in your home for the night, It had been a long day of shopping and getting work done. First, it was the bank to pick up some money, then the post office to get a birthday card, then the grocery store 'cause you were running low on everything edible. And then the final stop was a smoothie shop to get your favorite (S/F/smoothie flavor). You smiled as you happily sat at the dining table, looking through magazines and books. The phone started ringing, you huffed, trudging to the phone. 

        "Yes?" you asked, two voices came on the line, "Hello, sweetheart." one voice rang out. You held the phone between your neck and your shoulder as you continued to look through the magazines. "Wow you sound beautiful," A different voice said, they sounded more upbeat than the other. You blushed "What are you two trying to achieve here," You put the magazine down. "We don't know! Maybe just tryna meet someone like you." the two said. "All alright well you could write down the number or something but I gotta go," You sighed, "DON'T hang up on us," you heard before (click). 

Jason Voorhees:

       You were in the woods, unable to find where you were going. You looked around the woods, you felt as if you were going in circles. After another hour of this, the sun began to set. You noticed lights started to form in your view. Pushing some branches and sticks out of your way you found yourself somewhere.

       "What...Where am I," You said to yourself. Looking around a bit more you guessed it was an abandoned camp. You tried looking for a place to rest. You didn't expect anyone to be there but you heard rustling. 'It's just the wind or an animal' You were ready for anything, you weren't armed but that didn't mean you couldn't defend yourself. You found a nearby cabin where you had entered the camp. You didn't undress or anything because you didn't expect to get lost so suddenly, and you didn't have any spare clothes.  You climbed into one of the two beds in the cabin. You did not realize how tired you were until you laid down, immediately falling asleep. 

         You suddenly awoke to a bump from the other side of the door. You heard smashing and breaking which made you jump. You hid under the bed, there was enough space between the floor and the bed frame for you to wiggle your way through. The door slammed open just after you hid. Heavy footsteps walked through the room before landing on your bed. You watched as the person bent down and nearly broke their neck to find you. You screamed trying to get away before they- or he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt.

Freddy Krueger:

        You just got out of the shower, a towel around your hair and a towel around your body. You sighed as you reached your desk, ready to do some work for tomorrow. You changed into some PJs and settled at your desk, though you didn't seem to realize how tired you were after the warm water.  After a few minutes, you somehow found yourself asleep at your desk. 

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