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Day Three
(Part Two)


Just like any other day, I exit my charging station. Except this time, I was feeling dazed and a bit off...

Like... Im not sure how to describe it other than, I felt drained again.

Like charging hadn't actually charged me.

But honestly it didnt really matter. I couldn't avoid my duties as a Glamrock... I had to still do what i was made to do.


Least buisness didn't pick up till around 10...

Knowing i still had time before i had to go out of my room, i sat on my sofa and looked around my room. It was getting messy again... I suppose i could clean a bit. Wouldn't want princess to give me that disappointed look tomorrow.

I chuckled to myself, it was typically cute when shed come in look at the mess then me, smile a bit and shake her head usually muttering "you damn gator" as she began to pick up and command me to help.

But maybe this time I should take care of it myself.

So i stood back up, picked up some empty pizza boxes and soda cups, walking over to the trash can and throwing it away.

Of course one of the cups didn't make it in the trash and toppled onto the floor, the lid popping off and soda spilling onto the carpet.

"Mother fuck- grrr" I grabbed the cup my claws breaking it, spilling more soda onto my hand and the carpet.

Growling, Aggressively i shoved it into the trash, nearly breaking the trash can lid.

"Stupid fucking cup..." I finished picking up, feeling more tense than before.

Only once leaving my room to get a damn rag, so i could wipe the substance off my hand. Glaring at the small amount of people that were here as i headed back to the security of my room. Id prefer to calm down a bit before i interacted with anyone.

I dont know why the cup angered me so much...

Taking a seat at my vanity, i fixed up my hairs making sure it was standing straight like it was spose to. Y/n's words flicking to mind, about her like someone with red hair. Ugh. Sometimes i wish i could just not think about her.

opening one of the drawers to my vanity, in search of a comb, i paused. Instead of a comb, I found myself pulling out some papers.

Lyrics were messily scribbled on them.

I had forgotten about this... Wanting to write a song for her.

I probably should just throw this away, now that ive officially decided i wasn't going to make any attempts to ask her out. It was useless to work on something id never even show her.

Yet i still held it in my hands,  reading over the words. Even Fixing some lines before realizing how pointless this is and just shoving them back in the drawer.

I buried my head in my hands, ruining the work i put into my hair.

I dont know...

I felt so silly... So stupid.

I was so flooded with feelings for her it was becoming overwhelming.

Hindering my existence honestly..

Do i really have to expect something long term with her? I could always clarify that she could leave at any point..

I wouldn't want that though. Not really.

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