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It was halfway through summer, it had been over two weeks since you broke up with Freddy...

Honestly at first, You had considered quitting. Leaving and avoiding this place... but you decided that one guy, er robot, wasnt going to keep you away from other loved ones in your life.

So you put on your big girl panties and stayed.

Since then youve picked up more responsibility, offering to help Sandra with her shifts since Vanessa had literally vanished and they couldn't find anyone else to replace her.

Like she was a legit missing person, it was scary. But perhaps the sex trafficking that almost got you had unfortunately gotten her.

But as mentioned, youve picked up more responsibility and For the past week Sandra has been training you on how to be a security guard, after your normal shift with Monty of course.

Youve grown close with Sandra, she was like an older sister to you. The training allowed for you and her to have endless stupid conversations about life, or people, or stupid things going on. Sometimes she shared stories of Bonnie and Foxy when they were around. But one thing you were grateful for from her, is She helped you through the breakup as best she could, offering a shoulder to cry on or an ear for you to talk shit about your ex.

Not even just Freddy, but any of your exes in general.

She related to you, saying shes only had a successful relationship with Foxy. Well until he was disassembled.

Which, she wouldn't tell you why. But you figured it was a sensitive topic so you didn't push.

You had eventually told Riley and Nick of Freddy's cheating, both of them disgusted with how he treated you. Theyd send him glares or flip him off sometimes and hed always look confused.

Hes basically been shunned by your little group.

That's ok though. He had Megan. Oh wait, no he didn't. She had to move for school.

And he now lacked a caretaker and a girlfriend.

Oh well. Not your problem.

You just did your best to avoid him, but when you couldn't help it you acted civil while giving him the cold shoulder.

And yes he did try to talk to you. Anytime he saw you.

Youd have none of it.

You missed him, im a way. You had loved him so, no one could blame you for missing him. It took time to heal from these things...

But ever since that day, Monty has been nothing but a sweetheart. The most supportive and you were grateful for him. You could still remember that night, after he had returned with blankets, snacks and some various beverages the two of you sat together and just...


No bipolar moods, no insults, nothing negative.

He asked you about your outside life, about your hobbies and whatnot.

Eventually you got him to tell you about Bonnie, "well... It was blamed on me.. but Him and Freddy had gotten into a pretty bad argument in my attraction... Bonnie had been acting really weird and just snapped and Freddy accidentally pushed him off the rails... we're not sure why they didn't bring him back. But hes been gone since then."

Of course it was blamed on him and not the actual culprit. Why would anyone wanna blame the star of the building.

No wonder everyone was scared of Monty though, when really he was just a big green marshmallow.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now