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I spent all morning and afternoon with this weird feeling in my systems, Right around the area of my chest and stomach hatch. Then a bunch of other weird things such as My tail twitching, I would tap my foot if I stood still for too long, my fans would go off from overheating And even tho my battery was full i felt... Drained.

I was an advanced ai system and had the ability to feel a range of feelings and emotions, but this one was unfamiliar. It worried me, made me feel jittery and i wondered if maybe i was malfunctioning.

I even considered going to parts n service several times.

As if it couldn't get worse i could not stop thinking about seeing y/n and how i was too her the other night. A huge Part of me regrets my decision to push her away but i had to do it.

I had to keep telling myself that it had to be done. But the more i pictured the look of hurt she had the worse these symptoms or whatever got.

On top of all that, i kept running scenarios through my head of what tonight would be like.

How she would likely look at me with disdain.

I could barely focus on the kids.

What was wrong with me? I have never felt like this before.

4:20 on the dot i rushed to my room. I needed to sit down. I needed to calm down before my systems fried themselves.

Now was supposed to be the time i charged and prepared myself for the visits. But once i sat down i couldn't move.

Closing my eyes I rested my head back on the sofa and tried to get my breathing and my systems under control.

Y/n would be here any minute.

With that thought my systems went off again.


I was too right about the any minute thing as I was intensely aware of the sound of the pass scanner beeping and my door sliding open.

I heard her soft footsteps as she entered my room and the door closed behind her.

Was i going to be like this all day? Maybe i really was experiencing malfunction. Maybe theyd just shut me down for good...

Move or Say something idiot. Shes just staring at you.

"Your early." I kept my voice calm even though i was far from feeling it.

"Uhm yeah... I had a ride." I heard her move past me towards my vanity.

But wait what? She had a ride this time? Meaning, "you walk here?"

"Mhm, always have. I dont have a car."

I opened my eyes turning my head to look at her, "so freddy asked you to sign up for an internship knowing youd be walking home alone at might after the shift?"

Thats so fucked. I would never let someone i care about walk alone at night, especially not a female i deem my girlfriend.

I wouldn't even do it just to see them more, their ass would be staying all night here.

But all y/n did was shrug and say, "its no big deal. Nothings ever happened and i mean i didn't think you guys even knew walking at night Could be risky."

So Freddy just doesn't care.

"We have access to the internet you know... Trust me, we know..." I crossed my arms, anger covering over the weird feeling from earlier.

I've seen human news articles. Humans are a chaotic, vicious species. And i know Freddy knows this, hes so obsessed with being famous he knows what happens and what can happen.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now