Chapter 79

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Lorenzo's pov

After hearing what Ares said to Alessandro we all took off looking for a man we never even got a good look at, or at least I didn't. we all split up in pairs of twos, everyone doing exactly what we would do when infiltrating a building.

Elijah and I search room after room looking in all the corners we find, with each of our backs together covering half the room each.

Everyone went to different floors with Elijah and I being on the bottom as well as some other pair. and everyone else has two pairs on each floor combing through every room. It won't be long until we find him, the place is on lockdown and soon we will have everyone in the building looking for this one person.

"How could we not know someone in our mafia was in another one, especially the Swedish mafia" Elijah sighs closing the door to the room we just searched

"he was clever and we don't do background checks on everyone until there is a reason to" I explain opening the next door

Going to take a step in we both pause feeling our phones vibrate. Pulling mine out I see a text from Allesandro, opening my phone all he sent was a photo of the guy. After studying it I show the picture to Elijah making sure he knows exactly what he looks like.

Once he nods, I put my phone back to searching, this time knowing what he looks like and knowing the whole building will be searching for this guy.


It's an hour before we find him, he has different clothes on and he even went as far as to shave his beard off. Massimo and Matteo are the ones who found him. He tried to escape apparently but with both Massimo and Matteo being there he didn't stand a chance and ended up being knocked out.

So while Matteo sat on him, Massimo called Alessandro who then told everyone to go back to whatever they were doing because we have the man.

Matteo, Massimo and Alessandro hauled him into the cells while the rest of us went back to the meeting room. Having to knock on it and say that we have the guy in the cells before the parents even thought of removing everything that was blocking to door.

Entering we all look straight at Violet, who is looking nowhere in particular, she is just staring, not even turning her head when we enter the room. Looking over to our parents with questioning looks Aunt Alice steps forward

"she hasn't moved since we got here, she hasn't talked either. We didn't want to move her and freak her out so we just let her be" Aunt Alice whispers before looking back at violet

Elijah takes careful steps towards Violet making sure that she would be able to see him even just a little bit. Kneeling beside her, Elijah gently places a hand on her arm drawing her attention to him immediately.

Violet's pov

I don't know how long I've been sitting here, staring at nothing. Nobody has talked to me, no one even coming close to me. Hell, I don't even know if anyone is in the room with me.

I thought I was over this, I mean I have experienced this all before, I lived in that constant hell for years and I wasn't like this. I was pushing through the pain and I was doing things. I was better it had been two years, I didn't fear getting hurt, I was safe, and I knew how to protect myself.

Now there is always this little thought that I am not enough to protect myself, that there is always going to be someone hurting me, hunting me. Trying to bring myself to my knees.

A hand being placed on my arm pulls me from my thoughts. Snapping my head in the direction of the arm, I relax only when I see that it's Elijah kneeing in front of me.

"hey Tesoro, I'm really sorry but you have to come with us to double check we have the right guy. There isn't a rush so take as long as you want okay" Elijah speaks softly like he is speaking to a child but not in a childish way

(Tesoro – sweetheart)

Noticing my hesitation he grabs both my hands looking right into my eyes with the softness that is almost always there when looking at me.

"he will be chained to the chair and Alessandro, Massimo, Leonardo, Lorenzo and I will all be there. You're not going to be left alone with him" Hearing that I won't be alone or just have one person there gives me the strength to stand up slowly after getting myself in the right headspace

When I get there I can't be the scared girl, I have to be the sister of the Italian and American mafia. I have to be strong and fear nothing.

But we aren't there yet, so as we are making our way there I am gripping Elijah's hand. Don't get me wrong I still have a blank face and am walking how everyone in this family seems to walk but you could not get me to let go of Elijah's hand at all. He doesn't seem to care at all, Elijah even seems to be holding on as tightly as I am.

When we get to the door we stop outside, facing each other I give a nod after taking a deep breath, finally letting go of his hand and walking through the door.

True to his word, the guy is chained up and sitting on a chair, seemingly knocked out with Alessandro, Massimo, Leonardo and Lorenzo standing off to the side. All of them stare daggers at the guy before they see me.

Not really knowing what to do I look over to Alessandro, seeing him already looking at me. He inclines his head toward the guy.

"We just need to be sure before we do anything. Just take a look at his face or anything you remember about the man" he explains softly

Walking over to the man I look at his face, scanning every inch of it before lifting up his right hand, turning it so I can see his wrist. Seeing the same tattoo the man from the cell had.

Walking back to where everyone is standing I nod.

"it's him. He had different hair and he had a beard but it's him, he has the same tattoo" I say not a hint of emotion in my voice

"Okay, I have to go to James and see what he found. Why don't you go home with everyone else" Alessandro offers still speaking softly

"no, I want to be here. I want to know who this guy is and why he helped Mikael" I'm stubborn and I know I am but even though all I want to do is crawl under a blanket and never come out I can't, I have to know why

You can see the slight surprise on everyone's faces when I call Mikael by his first name but when you get tortured by someone you get to call them their first name. Alessandro is even more surprised when I say I want to stay here but then understanding flashes through his eyes.

"Okay fine but the minute you want to leave you can okay?" Alessandro nods not breaking eye contact

Nodding I don't say anything. We all just head out of the room in different directions with Elijah and Leonardo staying to make sure the guy doesn't escape somehow. Massimo and Lorenzo go back to the conference room telling everyone to go home and that they will be home when they can. This basically means everyone is going over to our house and staying there until we all come back and explain to them everything we have learned.

Whileeveryone is doing that Alessandro and I head to James

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