Chapter 14

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Violet's pov

A knock pulls me out of the book I am reading, I just wanna finish it so I yell come in but don't take my eyes off the book.

The person enters but doesn't say anything and I can tell they're looking at me.

After finishing the chapter I put the book down and look up to find Xavier, he was standing just near my door.

I raise an eyebrow in questioning but I don't think he sees it so I sigh and then reluctantly speak


"Right, um we're going shopping for clothes. You need them and today we are all free, so let's go" Xavier replies after a little bit, I can tell he didn't know how to phrase it and he was nervous.

"but I have clothes" I say in a duh type of voice

"You barely have anything. Please just let us do this, we haven't done anything for you at all. We want to spoil you" Xavier says, I can tell that he missed me, his voice is soft and fragile

"ughh fine but please don't get me too much I'm fine with what I have now" I say after just staring at him.

He now has a bright smile on his face and when he left the room he was almost skipping. It made me a little happy that he was happy just with me letting them buy me clothes.

I get off the bed slowly avoiding putting pressure on most of my body and get off the bed walking to the bathroom to brush my hair and fix my makeup, then I calmly walk down the stairs seeing that all the boys standing there waiting for me.

I smile sheepishly and stop walking when I reach the end of the stairs.

"let's go, we have a lot to do" Elijah says a little giddily

I just walk toward where everyone else is going toward the garage, the only way I know is because of yesterday. I didn't go in there, but I could hear a car going off yesterday and there were people talking, so I didn't want to go in there.

Opening the door there were at least 20 cars all different looking but they all look very expensive.

I gasp at what I see, I mean who needs this many cars, you can't even drive half of them at the same time.

"These are all yours?" I ask, maybe their just keeping some for friends.

They all just laugh at me and some nod their heads.

Looking around some of them catch my eyes, they're beautiful, some of them are bigger and some of them are low to the ground looking very fast.

"Tesoro, what car do you wanna take?" Lorenzo asks in a soft voice

(Tesoro- sweetheart)

I look around trying to find one that will fit all of us, I find one that is a range rover, it's black with tinted windows. It should fit us all.

"what about that one?" I ask pointing to it, Lorenzo just shrugs and walks to the car with a slight smile on his face.

We all pile in, me in the very back with Xavier because we're the youngest, then Xander and Lorenzo in the middle with Alessandro driving and Elijah in the passenger seat.

It didn't take long to drive there, maybe a 10-minute drive. The building is huge with so many people walking around. There are mostly teenagers here with only some adults with their families.

We get out of the car and I can feel eyes on me, I look around and see most of the teenagers staring at us or more specifically me, the girls look at me with so much jealously and hatred and the guys just stare at me.

I look over to my brothers and they all have stone-cold facial expressions, they look at me, I don't know what to do. I kinda just wanna say I know I'm beautiful but stop staring at me.

Alessandro just starts walking so we all start walking, them weirdly making like a little circle around me, I just don't question them and continue walking. If they want to act like there my bodyguards then go right ahead, it just makes me look that much more interesting.

We stop near some clothing stores and they all turn to me

"do you know where you wanna go?" Elijah asks his face softening a little when he's looking at me

"home?" I ask in an innocent voice. Some of them chuckle and the three older ones have a ghost of a smile on their face

"I really don't care, wherever there are clothes I guess" I say after looking at Alessandro, he had a father-type look on his face.

Can I just say shopping sucks! We were shopping for hours and we have like one hundred bags of clothes and I had to beg them to stop. We have just got home and I'm done, I mean we have so many clothes and other stuff. Xavier and Elijah went spending crazy, I mean anything in my size that they deemed appropriate they bought. Most of them I would wear but some of the stuff I would probably never wear and they got me accessories and a brand new laptop, phone AirPods anything that was new they got for me.

I just walk into the house and sit down in the lounge room and plop on the couch, not really bothered to do anything but lay down.

Alessandro comes into the lounge room and sits next to me and just sits there not saying anything. I look over to him to see him already looking at me.

I don't say anything but just continue to look at him, he just studies my face almost searching for something.

He clears his throat and glances at the tv then looks back at me

"do you want to watch something together?" Alessandro asks, he sounds almost nervous so I just nod my head not wanting to upset him and honestly, I don't want to climb the never-ending stairs. Imma just die down here.

We finally pick a movie to watch and then just spend the rest of the afternoon watching random shows. In the last movie, we were next to each other with my head resting on his chest and his arm around me.

Normally I wouldn't even let someone get this close but I'm going to try and let them in, at least partly. I don't want to be alone anymore, and they seem like they care for me.

As the end credits roll I let my eyes close and fall asleep seeing that Alessandro is already sound asleep.

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