Chapter 16

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Violet's pov

The next day I woke up and had a shower after that I went downstairs to have breakfast, it is still really hard to eat all this food and most of the time I feel like I'm going to throw up, even when I don't even eat maybe half of my plate and I think that my brothers have begun to notice.

But just as I was about to leave but my bestie big brother stopped me and said that I will be starting school with Xavier and Xander in two weeks when the school break ends.

So now I'm in my room pacing around thinking about what will happen in school.

Thankfully someone knocks on my door and I'm forced to stop thinking about everything.

Walking up to the door I open it and find Lorenzo there standing in some athletic wear.

"hey I was heading to the gym and I was wondering if you wanted to join me" he asked almost nervous

"yeah sure let me just get dressed and I'll meet you down there" I say with a small reassuring smile on my face.

My bruises on my arms and leg are going good and are almost unnoticeable unless you stare at them but I still cover them because these boys notice the tiniest things.

Changing into a long-sleeved shirt and some tights and heading into the gym I see Lorenzo punching on the punching bag with full force that I'm surprised it isn't broken.

He noticed me when I got closer to him, he stopped punching and turned toward me smiling slightly.

"so have you done any of this before" Lorenzo asks as he points around the room.

"nope, I've never done anything like this" I say popping the p.

He just looks around, probably looking for something easy that I can do

"Okay well do you know how to punch?" he asks after looking at everything

"umm, I know that you can't have your thumb out or something" I say chuckling a little

"Okay let me teach you and then we can work on your physical punching" I just nod to this and walk near the punching bag.

After 5 minutes I learnt how to hold my hand in a fist properly so then we moved on to how to actually punch.

By the end of 2 hours, I can punch properly and I'm dead with sweat everywhere on me.

When he finally let me stop punching I immediately lay on the floor puffing air in and out to try and steady my heartbeat.

For a little friendly working out Lorenzo sure did take this very seriously, I mean he wouldn't even let me take a break and he was very strict like if I would do it wrong he would get very annoyed but would at least try and hide it.

Lorenzo left like a minute after I fell to the floor which was kind of weird but I think he just wanted to take a shower.

After another 5 minutes I get up and head to the kitchen to grab some water, I walk up the stairs very slowly with my heartbeat still not normal.

Taking another sip of water I grab some clothes just to change out of my sweaty clothes.

Taking a quick shower I wash my hair and body, I get dressed and decide to just read the book that I was previously reading.

I was about halfway through the book and I was really liking it.

When I finally finished the book it was dark and it was almost time for dinner, I reluctantly get off my couch and head downstairs, when I got into the dining room Alessandro, Elijah, Lorenzo and Xander were all there, just waiting for me and Xavier who came barrelling in when I just sat down.

After the maids left I look at what was for dinner and it was pizza, now I know why Xavier literally ran in here. When we were playing video games he talked about pizza for 15 minutes, who like pizza that much!

It was a pretty good pizza so I can see why Xavier would act as he did, but I still struggled to eat even a full pizza.

While eating I kept glancing at Alessandro who looked kind of nervous, I mean normally he would always look blank but tonight he actually showed an emotion, which was making me more nervous on top of me being nervous from him looking nervous.

So basically there was a whole lot of nervousness coming from just the two of us.

Near the end of dinner, Alessandro cleared his throat and looked at all of us.

"I have some news" he says very mysteriously, this caught all of the attention of everyone in the room that wasn't already looking at him.

"go on" Xander says seemingly annoyed at him for interrupting his eating

"um, well our family is coming to visit us tomorrow, they heard that violet was back and are coming as soon as they could" Alessandro finishes his little speech and Lorenzo, Xavier and Xander look really happy, happier than pizza for dinner happy.

I was freaking out. what if they hate me, what if they are like the monsters, I just don't want anything to change, I've finally begun to feel happy and like I belong somewhere, even if it has only been not even a week since my brothers make me feel alive again, I can tell that they actually care for me. I just don't want the rest of our family to screw anything up.

Apparently, my face showed emotion because Lorenzo gently elbowed me to get my attention.

"don't worry they love you so much and most of them are like a similar copy of each of us. They met you when you were younger too and they were like your other brothers, mothers and fathers" Lorenzo whispers.

I'm grateful that he said that because it took most of my anxiety away but there was still a little bit I mean we've all grown up we're all different from when we were young.

"Are there any girls in the family?" I ask, maybe I could hang out with them if they're nice.

"umm, well you're actually the only female born into the family in like forever, the last time was like 150 years ago" Elijah says and that just makes me still, not moving at all. Take a video and you would think I'm a painting.

Why did my family have to be only boys, and 150 years what the hell is that!

"Great, now there are more of you I have to deal with. Why couldn't there be at least one of me" I whine, slumping in my seat.

They chuckle after I'm done with my little performance. They must think I'm a clown because I feel like they're always laughing at me.

After the little show was finished Alessandro told us that they will come around 12, so they could spend the whole day plus another three days with us.

With that we all went our separate ways, me going to my room and getting ready for bed.

After spending a good 20 minutes trying to get to sleep I decided to start putting away my things that are still in bags all over the floor.

Pushing all of the bags that I could into the walk-in closet I start grabbing things out of bags and putting them away, sorting them with different factors colour, type, you know all the amazing things.

It was a good two hours later and I've moved the clothes around at least 15 times and only half of the bags were still not unpacked but I was so tired that I had to stop so I didn't look dead tomorrow to meet the rest of my family.

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