Chapter 71

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violet's pov

there are people, bullets and shell casings everywhere. It was hard to stay out of the way but then again we had to get into people's way to take down the Swedish.

Instead of going straight into the fight and possibly getting killed with a thousand bullets, I stay to the side. Nobody was paying attention to me which was lucky. it doesn't take me long to find Alessandro in the crowd but he was laser focused on shooting down as many soldiers as possible probably knowing we need to be gone ages ago. So instead I look for Xavier and Xander.

During Christmas last year when we were doing charades for some reason Bruno got the card about a smoke bomb and we bring it up every couple of months because the way he acted it out was hilarious. So if I do it the same way Bruno acted it out hopefully they will get the message and tell Alessandro and the rest of them so they will be prepared to start either shooting or doing to hand to hand combat which for some reason half of our family liked doing more than shooting.

Trying to get their attention ends up with me jumping in the air with my arms waving. Finally after getting the attention of almost everyone from our side except all the important people Xavier looks over at me and then nudges Xander to look at me, Aswell.

Now that I've finally gotten their attention to start doing exactly what Bruno did. At first, they were very confused but after I was halfway through it at the same time it was like a light bulb went off in their head so I stop what I'm doing and hold out the smoke bomb and then pointing in the general direction of where Alessandro is. Nodding they both run over as quickly as they can without getting hurt and tell Alessandro the plan.

As soon as they finish telling Alessandro what I've told them he wipes his head towards me with almost a frantic look in his eye. I know he thinks I shouldn't be here and be waiting for them outside but I cant not when everyone I care about is inside here getting shot at and possibly be killed.

And I know it was kind of stupid of me to leave everyone especially when I'm alone hurt with Alex, but I had to help them and nobody thought to be on the other side of them as well so they were forced to be in the middle, and if they did they didn't act on it.

Alessandro must have seen the determination on my face because when it looked like he was going to shake his head and force me to wait outside, he instead slumps his shoulders and it looks like he tells the boys to get everyone ready. Only looking back up at me after they had left with a look that told me I needed to be careful.

It takes a while as everyone gets the message and I'm not even sure everyone has when I look over at Alex looking down the hallway we just came through. Shrugging I make a quick glance over to Alessandro who gives a nod before I'm pulling the clasp and throwing the smoke bomb somewhere in the middle of the Swedish.

It takes a second for anyone to realise that there is smoke but by the time they notice, it's too late we are already attacking them. We all charge at them killing at least ten people in a couple of seconds because they really weren't expecting it. And in a couple of minutes pretty much all of them are down and there is blood everywhere.

With the small remaining people, we collected them in a group and surround them completely. Most of them knew what was coming and were putting their weapons down but there were a few stubborn ones that held their guns ready to shoot at any time.

Instead of killing every single person, we just kill most of the stubborn ones and a few of the soldiers who aren't stupid enough to fight. Knowing the stubborn ones they would know the most but they would almost never tell us even when torturing them for hours, which is why there are only four of them and two other soldiers.

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