Chapter 76

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Violet's pov

It's strange being in a house that looks almost exactly like my own but isn't. We've been here for a week already, and everything is running smoothly. We actually live together great. I mean it's not that surprising considering we basically see each other every day and they basically lived at our house, and this house is big enough that if you need space you have it.

So while healing from my wounds, I've spent most of my time in the library. Because of the threat we are facing everyone has been meeting at one base every day. To be careful it's a different base every day and we always go at different times. We never leave our houses at the same time.

It's been difficult but if it means that nobody else gets hurt then we will all put up with it.

Every time we meet Theo and his family are with us and so are Matias and his family, hell even James is here helping. We are basically trying to find a way to lure Mikael out of hiding and get new members who have enough fighting skills that we don't have to teach them a lot.

I know we have a lot of men already but because it was so easy to take down the ones at our house so Alessandro decided we basically need a crap ton of people so the next attack nobody stands a chance.

It's a little unnerving thinking one day that nobody can touch you or the people you care about most because of the protection you have and then something like getting kidnapped and seeing all of the people around you not being able to do anything about it.

Currently, we are all sitting around the table in one of our biggest meeting rooms at one of our bases discussing where to find the next batch of people to hire. It's kind of tricky because we need people who can fight well but also aren't set in their ways while also wanting to actually join the mafia. And you know you can just go up to someone and ask if they want to join so once we find the people we think will be right then we send some people out to watch them, once we review their life we come together and see if we think they will join us. If they do join us then we take them immediately to our training base where they will stay for a week.

Once we keep a closer eye on them and make certain that they are actually interested in becoming part of our mafia and aren't a part of another one, we let them keep contact with their friends and family when they are on our base for the week but we monitor it.

Unfortunately though if we bring them back to base and discover that they are working for another mafia or even just don't want to work for us we have to interrogate those people from other mafias and get information from them then we either kill them or we dump then somewhere not remembering anything from the drugs we gave them.

If it's just a random person we just drug them and leave them at their house with a headache, wondering what they've been doing for the past week. Normally everyone we drop back at their house drops it and goes on with their life but there is always one person every once in a while, that keeps digging. They never find anything so we don't really care but we still have to send someone to make sure they can't hack their way into finding it.

"Why don't we just go look at all the gyms" Nicolo states looking a little annoyed and tired

"Because we need people not stuck in their ways of fighting. Everyone there already will be" Massimo explains also looking a little annoyed

"What about the races, I'm sure we could find a bunch of people there" I intervein looking at everyone

"That might work but it will be hard to keep track of them, let alone find someone in the crowds" Alessandro explains

"Then pay someone that normally works there, I'm sure they would know who can do what" Romeo speaks up from the very end of the table

Everyone just nods thinking it could work but now we still would need more people than the races would give us.

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