chapter 10

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Violet's pov

Waking up I feel my back against a hard surface kind of like the floor in the basement but less cold. Slowly opening my eyes, I see I'm on the floor of my new room, the sun is now down and I can hear someone moving around in one of the rooms near me.

Trying to figure out why I'm on the floor I look around, nothing clicks but I do feel really tired so I decided to go to bed and maybe I will remember in the morning.

Changing into some grey sweatpants that are kinda big on me and a blue shirt that could maybe fit one of my brothers.

Getting into bed, I try to find a comfortable position to sleep while also not being on many of my cuts and bruises.

Eventually, I fall asleep on a really big comfortable bed that feels like a cloud.

Trigger warning!!!

walking threw my old wonky front wooden door there is silence, nothing, not one sound coming from inside this house. Me just assuming

that the monsters are out I let out a big sigh and walk more into the house closing the door and starting to walk upstairs. I normally do this when they are out, I go looking through the house to either see what they've hidden or what things could hurt me around the house, the less hard stuff there is the less I get hurt.

But just as I put my hand on their bedroom door handle, I get pushed back so hard I end up falling all the way to the bottom of the stairs, doing lots of twists and rolls on the way down.

Groaning with my eyes shut really tight from the pain all throughout my body I don't even attempt to get off the floor let alone leave the house.

I'm kind of tired of life anyway and with the beatings that I've been getting recently, I'm not sure my body can handle even one more beating from them.

As the pain starts to get normal again, I can hear the faint noises of them speaking except there aren't only two voices, the most I can make out is four, two of them belonging to my dearest parents and the other two sound to be nearly 40-year-old males with a slight Swedish accent.

I'm finally made fully aware of my whole surroundings when I feel a searing pain in my stomach with my back to the floor now. A whimper escapes me before I can control it and I look down all I see is a knife in my stomach and blood seeping out, the pain is like my skin is on fire.

You would actually think that the pain of getting stabbed feels more like your skin is on fire than actually having your skin on fire. Trust me I would know, it has happened multiple times.

The knife getting pulled out of me and chuckling could be heard as I bit my lip really hard to not cry or even make a noise.

That's one of these stupid rules I have to follow, no making any noise especially when they're having their fun with me. And also, don't look at them which I couldn't be happier about, I mean who really wants to look at their faces. With their yellow teeth and weird-ass hair I mean they could at least brush their hair. I mean you stick them in a garbage bag, and they would look ten times better, but it HAS to cover their faces. If they die of suffocation oh well, no one would really notice.

The four people decide that kicking me would be just SO fun, so they all get around me, mainly at my chest. Because why would you wanna kick anywhere else you know!

After a good maybe five minutes, I'm going to be badly bruised and thew the five minutes there were like maybe three cracks. So that's going to be fun.

"What are you doing going into our room, you little brat? Were you trying to steal from us?" father yells at me and I immediately shake my head no.

Apparently, that was wrong because now I was getting carved. Me still trying to keep quiet is hard, I mean I am bleeding out and getting stabbed! I mean you try getting stabbed and not make a sound it's kinda freakin' hard.

I just lay there trying not to do more and make a sound because every time I do they go deeper. When it gets bad like this I like to play a game to keep my mind off the pain and what's happening, it's kind of like reading, getting transported to a different time and place.

I decided to start making a story about this little girl running around a house and getting chased by these two little boys, the boys older than the little girl but still young. They play for hours laughing and playing with each other.

I mean it's not really a story because if I look deep enough, I can see that little girl with the two boys. Both the boys look so much alike that I can't tell which one is which. Almost like the little girl is high and seeing double.

I don't know if I am the girl or if I watched it on tv when I was young or something, but I can see it in my brain almost like it was a key to this picture.

Snapping me out of my thoughts and storytelling, I get pushed onto my back, I can feel that I'm laying in a pool of blood- my blood.

I can feel them actually starting to burn my skin, probably just to make sure I don't die of blood loss. Because that would be such a shame! Note the sarcasm.

Felling too much pain I decided to just let out an ear-piercing scream. Someone puts something over my mouth a second later and I smell this weird chemical thingy. Black dots quickly fill up my vision and I just let myself slip away, know there will be more pain so it's better to at least get some sleep. 

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