Chapter 41

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The past couple of weeks, close to six or so weeks, post "break-up" with Quincey was okay at best. I went back to devoting my time to the kids and my grand baby. I spent my free moments watching Alizea ball out as a freshman. I went to gymnastics practices and cheer competitions. I was 90% mom and 10% Dentist / business woman.

That's all I did and that's all I had become. I started evaluating my life to see why I had come to this point of work, home, kids. I haven't been out with an adult until now. I sat at a table waiting, sipping my margarita, for Lillian, Meera, and Kaila.

They were meeting me for drinks and tacos at this Mexican restaurant. I have been neglecting all kinds of friend duties, but they pulled me out of my slump.

"Hey girl. Sorry I'm late. This guy... Nevermind" Lillian said ordering her margarita and a shot when the waitress came over to the table. Meera and Kaila came in soon after. They were in town for me actually since I haven't been back to Georgia.

"Mhmmm" once food and drinks were ordered, we dived into conversations.

"How you been Maya?" Kaila asked.

"Fine. How y'all been ?" I asked.

"Chile my husband finna get put out if I have to listen to his loud ass every night talking to his homeboy bout whatever sport on that night. Basketball, football, baseball, tennis.. It don't damn matter" Meera said. We all laughed and I shook my head sipping my second margarita. These drinks were definitely strong.

"I'm dating this man. Been dating him for a couple months now. He wants to meet Yas. He wants to take me out the state. He trying to go to Colorado, but i'm not tryna save my marriage so why am I going" Lillian said all in one breath while taking a long sip out of her drink and downing the shot that has been sitting on the table. The waitress came right when she finished, and we started eating our many tacos.

"Well... I officially gave up on love. I got this puppy it's a yorkie poo" Kaila said pulling out her phone to show pictures.

We gushed about the cute little brown dog before I turned to Meera.

"Meme .. You need to tell that man that you want to spend more time with him, if he devoting all his time to the tv and sports, what does that leave you. Lillian ... you have been single for the majority of Yasmine's life. She deserved to see you fawn over a man. If he makes you happy and makes you feel safe, bring him a little deeper into your life. Kaila.. don't give up. Keep dating around and also, you never know when your time will come" I said. They all looked at each other before looking at me.

"Are you the pot or the kettle?" Meme asked.

"Right. Because if Quincey call us one more time, he will be blocked" Lillian said surprising the heck out of me.

"He calls biweekly checking on you. You haven't talked to him why?"

"Y'all know he-" I started, but was quickly interrupted.

"He kissed his baby mama. We know. We all heard the story, but he accepted the fact that he was dead ass wrong. He apologized, came here to make it right, but you pushed him all the way to the left. You know that man has loved and cared about you since high school. He fell in love with you as he should because y'all were inevitable. You love that man" Kaila said. I sighed downing the rest of my drink.

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