Chapter 50: It Pours

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Author's note:
Thank you for coming this far along, I can't believe we're at Chapter 50 already! This a double chapter, I hope you enjoy it ;)

You confront yourself in the mirror, and stare down the person looking back at you. So this is the face that's yelled at the two people you love most in the past 24 hours.. interesting. It's not some scary monster, or some wicked witch with rotted teeth or flesh, it's the same reflection you've seen your whole life, those same dreamy eyes still have a glimmer of hope behind them, but boy, are they tired. When your eyes roam down, you caught a glimpse of the love bite Levi left on your breast, and you bite your lip remembering that steamy moment. He didn't realize how close to your nipple he was, as the bruise extended slightly to your areola. You pull up the towel and quickly change into some comfy clothes before heading back to your room.
Your bed welcomed you as you snuggled beneath the sheets, hoping to get some rest in before the day comes to a start.

Your eyes flutter open and you're serenaded by the muffled laughter coming from the lobby down the hall. You rub your eyes awake and change into a simple outfit, appropriate enough to walk around HQ in yet comfy enough for a lazy Sunday. You brush your teeth and freshen up in the washroom, noticing your bruise once more. You sigh in the mirror, and turn for the door to grab a hoodie from your room when Mikasa enters, catching a glimpse of your mark.
Her eyes dart to your chest and back up to your eyes with an unreadable expression, but she doesn't seem to care.
You throw on the hoodie and a single key falls out of the pocket. Your lips curl into a smirk when you remember that you still have the key to Levi's room from your week of paperwork duty, where is that man right now? You have one thing on your mind, and you're going to get what you want today.
On your way down down the hall, your friends stop you in the lobby, wrapping you into a debate.

"(Y/N)! Perfect. Do you think Eren and Historia make a good couple?" Sasha cheerfully asked as Eren rolled his eyes.

You scan the room, remembering Mikasa had just entered the girls restroom.
"Ummm, I don't know, I don't think– uh.." you look towards Armin for any kind of support, but he just looked awkward.
"If that's what you want, Eren." You shrugged as you made eye contact with the boy whose cheeks flushed red.

"Why? Is that.." you turn around to face the hallway, ensuring that Mikasa hasn't left the washroom yet.
"Is that what's happening here?" You playfully ask.

"No, I'm just planning to go see her tomorrow, just me and Erwin, and everyone's making it a big deal. There's some things that need to be taken care of."

"I dunno man, you looked waaay too happy when you were telling us, Mikasa never looks too pleased when you bring her up."

Sasha looked at Eren
"Well, I think you and Historia could be lovely together."

"Ha! Next time say that in front of Mikasa, or Jean."

"Alright guys, I'll leave you to it." You lock eyes with Eren. "Don't go doing anything you'll regret."

Sasha shouted as she noticed you were climbing up the steps
"Lunch is about to be served, (Y/N)."

"Yeah I'll be there." You wave them off as you climb the steps, leaving them to continue teasing Eren.

The air grows warmer as you approach the landing, the summer breeze from the windows provide comfort as you head towards Levi's door. You apply three soft knocks when you hear his voice from the other side.
"Come in."
You smile as you clutched the key in your pocket, happy to still have it in your possession before turning the knob and entering his office.

He quickly closed the file he was reading when he met your face.

"Feeling any better?" He asked, straightening up in his chair.

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