Chapter 12: Distractions

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You freshen up in the restroom before heading down to the mess hall, where everyone is already seated with their food. You grab a plate and make your way towards your usual table, passing by all of your friends at their full table. Jean is talking more and seems genuinely much happier than earlier in the week, this warms your heart. You've made an effort to train with him throughout the week, even sharing a couple of laughs. An empty seat waits for you between Eld and Olou and you sit down with a bright smile.

"How was everyone's day?" You cheerfully ask, excited to hear about how everyone is doing. Everyone answers except Levi, and that's when you notice Erwin isn't here. He's probably eating in his office again, he's been pretty busy lately.
You enjoy your dinner and before you leave, Eld asks what you're doing tomorrow.

"Well, there's a birthday among the 104th class, so we're going to be celebrating. I'm actually planning to bake a little cake later." You smile at him. He looks happy for you, yet a bit disappointed.

"Well, before you do that, do you want to play a game of chess? I have these pieces, not the ones from last time. I'd love to show you."

"Sure, I haven't played in years I'll need a refresher, but yeah. Wanna go now?"

"Yeah, let's go." He smiles back.
The two of you walk to the upstairs lobby, where several chess tables are spread out, waiting to be played on.

"I'm just going to head to my room and grab those pieces, I'll be right back."

You nod and sit down, watching him go up the stairs. I guess he has a room on the same floor as the Captain and the Commander, as this lobby is at the entrance of the men's dorms. Your mind wanders to his room, is it big? Is it like Levi's? Maybe he has a piano too... no, he probably just has his guitar. Do they have their own bathrooms up there? Is Petra's room up there too? You haven't seen her on your floor, so probably. Do they run into each other when they shower? Your mind has so many questions, tons of questions you're sure Eld would love answering.

Eld returns with the bag and sits down across from you. He carefully takes them out.
"Want to play as white? Or as Black?" He asks
You pick up a white piece.
"Good, I like to play as the black pieces. This set was actually given to me by Commander Pxyis himself."

"Oh wow, really?" You inspect the carefully carved piece

"Yes, they are hand carved by a master craftsman in Stohess. I was playing Commander Pyxis and he likes to gamble in his games, after he won all the money on the table, he bet me one last time. To play for the money doubled, and if I win, I get all the money back plus the pieces we're playing with."

"Wow, and you won?"

"Yes." He says smiling. He then reviews the rules of the game with you, going over every piece, and stops at the king.

"I know this piece doesn't do much, but it's my favorite. I think the way all of the other pieces fight so hard to protect this one, even willing to sacrifice themselves, means that there value in it that we can't see." He pauses.
Your eyes look up at his and he continues
"I think that people are a lot like that, they may not loudly boast their worth, but they have a support system that sees it anyway."

"That's beautiful, Eld." Was all you could manage to say. As he places your pieces in front of you, you notice a mark on his hand.

"What's that from?" You ask

"Well, you know the incident we spoke about at dinner?"
He was referring to the moment Eren unintentionally transformed.

"I know it sounds silly, but all of us bit each other. Eren went through a lot throughout the week and we just wanted to show him that we appreciate him trying."

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