Chapter 42: Dont last

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"This is... this is bad!" Caven shouts from your side, glancing over to see what you're doing in this moment. You meet her gaze, prompting her to give you orders.

"Shoot 'em down!"
"They're coming through!" 
The soldiers shout from above you.

You keep an eye out for a good opportunity to leave your post discreetly, trying to remain undetected for as long as you can.

"Signal flares?!" Caven shouts. "The flares emit smoke, making it impossible to aim."

"I count 35 enemies! They're grouped on the ceiling near the pillars over there!" Levi shouts.

"All troops! Scatter! Each squad, surround an enemy!" Caven orders.

Gwen takes off with zero hesitation as does Caven. You reach into your belt and grab a small bomb, discreetly tossing it over your shoulder, towards the two soldiers above you and take off, looking back quickly to see the platform crumbling beneath them as their injured bodies fall to their deaths. Amidst the thick smoke, it's challenging to identify the enemies, however you spot one aiming  at Conny, and swiftly rush in to slice their head off, catching him completely off guard.
Conny rebounds off a column and gets the enemy behind you, killing off the only witness to what you've done. The look of shock and betrayal on the enemy's face is etched in their final moments. Landing on the nearest pillar, you exchange a reassuring nod with Conny before venturing back into the smoke, aiming your anchors into a clearing by the perches. You notice an untouched barrel at the bottom and swiftly retrieve the molotov from your belt, dropping it onto the barrel and triggering another explosion.

As you proceed, you encounter two members ganging up on Hange. Seizing the opportunity, when one of them flies away to reload, you discreetly incapacitate him by tossing a smoke bomb in his direction before taking him out. Emerging from the smoke, you witness Hange eliminating the other assailant, and your eyes meet. With a nod of understanding, she disappears back into the smoke.
Your undercover identity allows you to stay above the green and black layers, keeping a watchful eye on your comrades while remaining undetected. You can make out Mikasa darting in between columns as she takes out several soldiers effortlessly.

Launching your anchors towards a cluster of columns in the distance, you spot Jean trapped between two armed pillars, his protective smoke screen suddenly dissipating. With barely any time to react, you take out another smoke bomb and hurl it near him, giving him a chance to slip back into the clouds. Knowing what you have just done, you descend deeper into the smoke, masking your presence as shouts echo around you.

"(L/N) TURNED!" The soldiers' voices reverberate, their accusations echoing ominously throughout the cavern.

"Surround (L/N) NOW!" Caven's command pierces through the whirring sounds of gear, her voice filled with urgency as the others scramble to pinpoint your location amidst the dense smoke.

Staying low to the ground, you deploy your anchors, skillfully navigating through the smoke and vigilantly surveying your surroundings. Emerging from a cloud, you spot a group of them positioned above you.

"(L/N) ON THE LOWER LEFT QUADRANT!" One of them shouts, firing in your direction.

With agile maneuvers, you dodge the bullets, disappearing into another cloud and shoot your anchors into a column. You circle behind the enemy and eliminate two of them in a single swoop. Mikasa joins your side, intercepting a soldier positioned to take aim at your head.

Caven's attention shifts towards you, her gaze seething with fury. As she takes aim, you skillfully evade her bullet, spiraling around another column. As you reemerge, you swing your sword at her neck, only for her to block it with her pistol, causing your blade to snap in half. Catching sight of Levi approaching from the corner of your eye, you seize the opportunity to replace your blades, disappearing once again into the concealing cloud of smoke as he unleashes a furious assault on your attacker.
You can't help but think to yourself if he's been watching you fight.. survive. You hope that he has, even you've impressed yourself with some of your moves out there.

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