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Kelo suspiciously stared at the DNA test Nara gave him. He sat on her mom's living room couch just eying the piece of paper, weirdly looking at each part of the paper repeatedly flipping it from front to back.

"Why you looking at it like that?" Nara said with her arms crossed as she stood above him.

Kelo looked up at her with a blank look before looking back at the paper. "This real right?"

"Why wouldn't it be real Kelo! You think I want your annoying ass to be my baby daddy?" She rolled her eyes and he scoffed. "It's real Kelo, I don't even play like that."

"Aight," He mumbled while folding the paper up. He tucked it in his pocket as she sat down next to him. He was surprised the baby was his but nonetheless, he had to own up to his responsibilities now.

"Can you rub my feet," Nara said as she placed her feet on his lap, not even letting him decide. She had marked her 3rd trimester in her pregnancy and though she was only 7 months, she looked like she was ready to pop anytime soon.

Kelo huffed lowly while looking at her feet. "You still got corns?" He asked and she glared at him. When she lifted her hand up to hit him he quickly grabbed it while laughing. "Nigga I'm just asking!"

"No I don't got no fucking corns nigga don't play wimme," She mugged him.

Nara watched as he placed her foot in his hand and started to rub it slowly, trying to hide the look of disgust he had but she just ignored it.

"These bitches finna be so mad that I'm carrying yo baby," Nara chuckled to herself.

"Who the fuck gon be mad? Ain't nobody worried about you," Kelo eyed her.

"Obviously they is! That lil bitch Ximora was sick to her stomach when she saw us together, I can't believe you fucked her..."

"Who told you I fucked her?"

"Your sister."

Kelo chuckled bitterly. He told his sister not to tell Nara and she still did, she was getting on his last nerves. But there was no hide in trying to hide the fact that him and Ximora messed around, especially now that they had a kid on the way.

"Yeah and if I did? You fucked my bestfriend, youn got no space to tell me what the fuck I can do," He said rudely and she jerked her head back.

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