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"4 months!? Meaning it's too late to have an abortion??" Nara exclaimed and her doctor nodded slowly.

"Yes.. you didn't notice any pregnancy symptoms earlier and you mentioned your period is already irregular right?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah my period don't come every month.." Nara trailed off going deep into thought. "Are you sure though? Like there's a fucking baby in me."

"Yes ma'am. Right there," The doctor pointed at the ultrasound and Nara couldn't feel mad or excited. She was confused.

She was messing around with both Kelo and Kasani having unprotected sex around the same time. She had no idea who her baby's father was. If it was Kasani's, she felt like Kelo was going to kill her.

"You okay mom?" The doctor asked and Nara mugged her.

"I'm fine. Can I get the ultrasound?" She asked and the doctor nodded going to do just that. "And is there a way I can get a DNA test or I have to wait until the baby is born?"

"You can get a DNA test now but it is a process.."

"Okay well I wanna do that," Nara said and the doctor nodded.

"You'll have to get DNA from whoever you think the father is. You'll have to bring them in for that.." The doctor said and Nara frowned.

"Um never mind. I don't think they'll be willing to do that, lemme just get the ultrasound so I can get the fuck out of here.." She rolled her eyes while getting up from where she was laying.

She grabbed her purse and waited for the doctor to print out her ultrasound before leaving without even setting up the next appointment. Her Uber was already outside so she got right in and they headed to her hotel.

"I can't believe I'm pregnant.." She said out-loud and the Uber driver chuckled.

"Are you excited?" She asked.

"Kinda.." Nara smirked. "Me and my baby's father aren't together but I feel like this will bring us back together. And I'm too far along so I can't get an abortion."

"You think the baby will bring y'all together?" The Uber driver wanted to make sure she heard her right. 


"Why y'all break up?" She asked.

"I cheated with his bestfriend.." Nara said and the Uber driver scrunched her face up. "But it's not as bad as you think. I think he was cheating on me too so that's why I did it. And if anything he should be mad at his friend.. not me."

"Huh?" The driver was confused.

"It doesn't matter cause he forgave me. But then he got mad cause me and his friend was texting again but it wasn't on no freaky shit it was on some brother and sister shit. Then he kicked me out.." Nara continued to spill all her business not even knowing the Uber driver was recording her.

"So if you cheated. How you know who the baby is for?" The driver asked. "Was you messing around with both of them the time the baby was consumed?"

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