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"Get the fuck out my house bruh for I start tweakin out!" Kelo said throwing Nara's phone at the wall. It shattered into pieces making Nara scream.

"What the fuck! Why you just throw m—"

"GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE NARA," He yelled making Nara jump. "I'm dead ass serious g. You over here on the phone with that nigga after I shot him. Ion even know why I took yo slut ass back.."

Nara just stared at him as he spoke making him stop. He nodded going into his closet grabbing her suitcases. This wasn't the first time he kicked her out so her clothes were already packed. She followed him as he dragged her suitcases to the door and threw them outside.

"Kelo stop throwing my shit!" She tried stopping him but he pushed her so hard that she fell.

"You think I'm playing and shit? Nara I will dead ass kill you bro don't make me start acting crazy in this bitch!" He threatened looking down at her. He didn't mean half the things he was saying but it sounded believable. "You think you crazy bitch I'll show you crazy if youn get out."

Nara quickly stood up and finally started to realize that he was serious. She went in the room to grab her broken phone and her purse before walking back out. Before she walked out the door she looked at him.

"Where ima go?" She asked with a pout. She hoped the pout would give her some type of sympathy but the look in his eyes was so cold at the moment. He slowly looked up from his phone and mugged her.

"You think I give a fuck?" He started to walk up to her, she slowly backed up. He pushed her out the door and slammed it shut, locking it right after.

Pissed wasn't even the word to describe how he felt. He felt dumb and manipulated yet again. He couldn't even explain why he took Nara back. After shooting her, her parents found out and he had to lie and go along with the lie but at this point he didn't care anymore. He didn't care about her.

He went into his room and made sure to throw out anything she may have left behind. He then started cleaning and spraying everywhere to get rid of the scent of her. He wanted nothing to do with her anymore and he was for real this time.

His mind drifted onto Ximora. He felt bad for how he was doing her. Nara had him running around doing all kinds of stuff that he forgot how Ximora might've felt about him just cutting her off. He felt like the apology wasn't enough, wasn't sincere.

He grabbed his phone and called one of his boys to do him a favor...


Apartment 321 Kelo read again for the 4th time. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. This could either go 2 ways. Ximora would be happy to see him and let him in and let him talk to her. Or she would think he's an absolute creep who found her address and is trying to kill her.

Either way, he was going to talk to her.

When he got no answer he knocked again and rang the door bell. He put his head to the door hearing music stop.

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