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"And that's the story.." Ximora finished up telling India the story of how her and Kelo hooked up. She told herself she wasn't going to tell a soul but she was aching to talk about it. It was eating her alive.

The two girls laid across Ximora's couch watching a show they weren't even paying attention to while eating icecream. India took in the story Ximora told and was surprised. She wasn't going to judge her because she wasn't that type of friend but she would've never expected all that from "innocent" ole Ximora.

"Wow... and now he's ghosting you?" India said in disbelief. "That's crazy."

"Literally.." Ximora mumbled and it was quiet for a while before she spoke again. "Serious question India.." She sat up in her seat.

India looked at her waiting for her to go on.

"Do you think his intentions from the beginning was just to fuck me?" She asked in a low tone kind of embarrassed. "I hate to even think that but I actually thought he liked me.. I can't say I would've never expected this but I just wasn't expecting it."

"I don't know to be honest Ximora..." India trailed off. "Maybe you should've just had your guard up from the beginning.. not saying it's your fault. But knowing the beef between him and your brother, and he had a girlfriend the whole time he was apparently trying to get with you. It was all just a big red flag."

"Yeah.." Ximora mumbled laying back down deep in thought.

"Did you actually like him?" India asked and before Ximora could answer the question her phone started ringing. She picked it up and saw that it was an unknown number making her silence it. She was guessing it was just a scam likely call.

"Did I like him? Like have feelings for him?" Ximora spoke starting to think to herself. Did she?

Her phone started ringing again making her furrow her eyebrows. "Who is it?" IndIa asked and she only shrugged as she accepted the call.

"Hello?" She put the phone to her ear.

"I'm sorry," Was what she heard and instantly recognized the voice.

"Kelo.." Ximora said eyeing India. "Why are you calling me?"

"Cause I'm sorry Ximora.."

"Sorry for what? You already told me what you had to say. It was a one night thing, I get it, it's coo."

"Ian mean it like that Ximora. I just can't fuck witchu forreal. I wasn't thinking that night, we both wasn't. It was a one night thing cause I don't wanna hurt you Ximora I'm not a good person.. I didn't mean for it to happen that night, it was an in the moment thing.." He explained and Ximora sat there shaking her head while looking at India who was just listening.

"Okay.. that's fine. Just know you're dead wrong for blocking and ghosting me. You could've been upfront from the jump but instead you ignored me. But like I said that's fine, don't hit me up no more, thanks.." Ximora told him before hanging up, not even wanting to hear what he said next.

She sighed heavily throwing her phone to the side of her.

"I don't wanna hurt you.." She mocked him rolling her eyes. "Ion give a fuck.. fuck him."

She was done simping over Kelo. She wasn't that type of person then and she wasn't going to be that type of person now.


"Who was you on the phone with?" Kelo heard making him quickly look up. He groaned in annoyance seeing his older sister, Lanay, walking in the room.

"When you get here?" He asked. "And how you get in?"

"Just now, I got a key remember.." She smirked holding up the key that Nara gave her.

He only stared at her before looking away. Kelo and Lanay had a hate-love relationship. Lanay was cool at sometimes, but when she was around Nara, he hated her. He hated them together. Lanay acted just like Nara and he found it annoying.

Sometimes you would think Lanay and Nara were siblings the way she sided with her every time something happened. That was another thing he didn't like, Lanay felt the need to get involved in all their relationship problems. Trying to play therapist and shit.

"Y'all fridge bout empty as hell. The fuck y'all be eating in here?" Lanay slammed the refrigerator door shut and looked at her brother.

"Pussy'll fill my stomach," Kelo shrugged and Lanay scrunched her face up cringing.

"Where Nara?" She asked.

"You asking me? Ain't y'all besties?"

"Boy shut up.." She waved him off. "And don't think I forgot about that phone call.. who you cheated on Nara with?"

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? You heard me.." Lanay crossed her arms against her chest standing in front of him. Kelo ran his hand down his face knowing Lanay wouldn't leave it alone until he told the truth.

"You can't tell her.." He trailed off. Lanay only chuckled. "I'm forreal Lanay, you know how she get and ion want her doing no crazy shit."

"Okay I won't!" She rolled her eyes.

Kelo held his pinky finger out and Lanay huffed before locking hers with his. "I promise damn," She said.

"It was Ximora.." He told her and she her face immediately turned into a frown.

"Xavier's sister?" She mugged him and he nodded slowly."Why would you do that?"


"Huh?" She mocked him. "Why would you fuck her? First of all that's a lil ass gir—"

"She 18.."

"I don't care.. like I said, she a lil ass girl.. and her brother killed our fucking parents like what? Are you dumb? That's weird as fuck, you fucking anybody and anything now Kelo?" Lanay started to get upset. She didn't like Xavier or Ximora and she thought her brother didn't either.

"I don't get why? What was the reason?" She continued to ask.

"Ion know.." Was all Kelo could say. "But I already told her ion want nun serious and it was just a one time thing. Ian fucking with that girl no more, never was.."

"Right.." Lanay mumbled still in disbelief. "Well I'm finna go." She picked her keys up and started to walk towards the door. Kelo only stared at her.

He was hoping Lanay would keep her promise and not tell Nara because he knew how they both got. They liked to play dirty. Though him and Ximora wasn't talking, he didn't want her getting hurt over him.

short chapter ik, hopefully I'll be updating soon again


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