Chapter 1

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           Today started out like any other one before it, but little did I know that today was the day that everything would change. My life was far from easy, but everything I had, I earned myself through blood, sweat, and tears. I dragged my sorry butt out of the foster care system and made something of my life. Unfortunately, I knew so many others that didn’t make it or turned out just like the drug addicted families they escaped from or didn’t escape rather.

Walking through my work building, I greeted the security guard, waiting by the elevators with a warm cup of coffee just like every morning.
“Good morning, Miss Lanning,” Joe greeted me warmly.

“Good morning Joe! How’s your wife?”

“Hating the sight of me actually,” he chuckles.

“Ah, how far along is she now?”

“Eight months, and it couldn’t go by quicker if you ask me!” he winks.

“I’m sure it will be here before you know it, and I don’t believe you for a second about hating the sight of you! Who could hate this happy face?” I grin.

Joe laughs as his cheeks redden. “You flatter me, Miss, and thank you for the coffee.”

“Not a problem, Joe, you know the coffee in this place stinks. You would think that with all the events we plan, we could have a decent coffee machine or cafe in this place!” I roll my eyes playfully. “Plus you work too hard. A good cup of coffee is the least I can do to show my appreciation for your efforts. Send my compliments to your wife on training her man well,” I wink playfully, and Joe shakes his head with a smile.

He presses the button for my floor and I thank him as I walk inside. “Have a good day, Miss,” he says kindly.

“You too, Joe!”

The doors close slowly, and I take a deep breath in as I summon the energy for another Monday morning staff meeting. Whoever thought of Monday at 8am meetings should be shot. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but that’s how I felt about it. I had to completely rearrange my morning routine and get up a full hour earlier, and believe me, that wasn’t pretty.

No, I’m not referring to the massive bedhead I wake up with or the sleep crusted eyes, it’s the fact I have to go to the gym earlier and let me tell you, those 6am gym freaks are aggressive. Thankfully, the rest of the week, I could go at 7am, and I much preferred the regulars I saw at that time, rather than the early Monday morning gym goers.

They always seemed excessively moody, like instead of a cheat meal, they had cheated all weekend and were committed to punishing themselves ruthlessly every Monday. I know exercise is supposed to release endorphins, and endorphins make you happy, but these people didn’t get the memo. With their perpetual scowls and the huffing when I didn’t use the equipment fast enough that they had to wait longer... it was just plain painful, and I’m not just talking about the weights induced pain. Urgh!

I was already halfway through my coffee by the time I reached my office. I smiled every single time I walked into my office, passing my name on the glass door. Stephanie Lanning, Senior Events Co-ordinator. I was really proud of myself about how far I have climbed the ranks since joining Beck and White two years ago as a junior event planner. Thankfully, I had shown a real knack for connecting with vendors, and my popularity sky-rocketed, but I never forgot my roots.

I was always thankful to those around me who helped me in my everyday life. Never step on the little people, and they won’t want to topple you from a pedestal when you climb high. Plus, I am a little person, a little girl with big dreams who works hard every day to achieve them, and I never settle for the garbage life can dish out. In my life... that kind of stuff happened on the regular, so I never coasted along, never settled for less, and always tried to work harder than anyone around me.

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