Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

    Just when some internet sunspots reveled in the derailment of the couple Shen Mingyou and Jiang Shen, the Weibo of Shen Mingyou, the party involved in the incident, was suddenly updated.

    Fans have been waiting on the Internet for a long time, refreshing Shen Mingyou's Weibo from time to time, and looking forward to Shen Mingyou's clarification. Therefore, as soon as Shen Mingyou's Weibo was posted, it was discovered by fans almost immediately.

    @Actor Shen Mingyou v: New look. [Picture] [Picture]

    One of the two pictures is a single photo of Shen Mingyou, and the other is a group photo of her and Jiang Chen. The clothes they wore in the photo were the clothes they wore when they were photographed by the paparazzi in the afternoon.

    "I'm going, college-style V-neck sweater, plaid miniskirt, and short shoulder-length hair with bangs!! So, is the person who kisses President Jiang in the car is Sister Yuzi herself?!

    " I watched that video, and it was exactly the same as the one in the photo of Sister Youzi, she was really Sister Youzi, so President Jiang didn't cheat, ah, ah, ah, that's great, I knew that President Jiang and Sister Youzi looked so good Love, how could it be derailed!!"

    "Sister Yuzi finally came out to clarify, if I don't come out to clarify, I won't be able to sleep tonight, since the person kissing President Jiang in the car is Sister Yuzi, does this mean that The trendy guy who dated Sister Youzi late is likely to be President Jiang?!"     "Hehe, don't you think this rumor is fake? Shen Mingyou must have deliberately found the same clothes as the girl in the video, and made another one. The same hairstyle, disguising herself as the woman who kissed Jiang Chen in the car, this is too fake, I can only say that the fans are too stupid to even believe it!"     "If the person in the video who kissed Jiang Chen is real ! It's Shen Mingyou, which can only prove that Jiang Shen didn't cheat, so what about Shen Mingyou, Shen Mingyou's date with Xiao Xianrou is also cheating, how can I explain this?"     "Heizi retreats, my sister Youzi is best at fighting. Face, the good show is probably still to come, why are the sunspots in such a hurry, are they afraid that the face     slap won't hurt enough?"

    Since the rumors that both Shen Mingyou and his wife were cheating on the Internet came out, many of Shen Mingyou's fans still stand firm on Shen Mingyou's side, believing that Shen Mingyou has not cheated, and some fans start to waver and don't know who to believe, and even some Some have begun to believe the rumors and lost their fans...

    After Shen Mingyou came out to refute the rumors, the fans were so excited that they all said they would continue to support Shen Mingyou, but there were also some passers-by and black fans who didn't believe the rumors, they just thought it was Shen Mingyou to protect them The image of husband and wife, deliberately made an identical shape to deceive the public.     And even if the two photos sent by Shen Mingyou are real, it can only prove that her husband has not cheated. As for Shen Mingyou herself, why didn't she explain her cheating, because she couldn't explain it!     The sunspots continued to jump, and they were about to continue to show off their skills. When they were fanning the flames on the Internet, they found out in the next second that Jiang Chen, another party to the incident, actually came out to speak.     @jiangchenv: It seems that I can try a new look next time, because my wife likes it. [Picture] [Picture]     The two pictures of Jiang Shenfang happened to be the photo stickers that he took in the mall when he was dating Shen Mingyou on the day he went to visit the crew.     One is of him standing behind Shen Mingyou, Shen Mingyou is posing for the camera, and Jiang Chen is standing behind her and looking at her tenderly, and the other is two people standing together, Jiang Chen is holding Shen Mingyou's shoulder , turned his head and kissed Shen Mingyou's lips, Jiang Chen's eyes were full of a smile of successful kissing, while Shen Mingyou opened his eyes wide in surprise.     The time is printed in the photo, and Jiang Chen's photo is exactly the same as the trendy guy in the video taken by the fans. All these have become iron proofs, which can break those rumors.     "Ah ah ah, President Jiang also came out to refute the rumor. Sure enough, that little fresh meat is President Jiang himself. These two photo stickers are so good, so sweet!"     "Hahaha, President Jiang usually wears shirts, suits and trousers, where is it? If you can imagine that you would still wear such trendy clothes and those fancy accessories, it is no wonder that netizens will admit their mistakes."

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