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•[His Drug]•

Y/N finally ate something last night. Nanami was honestly astonished that it only took a phone call from Gojo to get her eating. He tried for a week and a half and got nothing.

He was glad he finally came to the conclusion that Y/N just wanted to see Gojo. She would've eaten a long time ago if he'd pay attention to what it was she asked for.

Alisha and Y/N are the only ones home. They're sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. Nanami said that he was going for Gojo and Y/N was getting impatient.

Alisha shot Y/N a few glances. She wants to talk to her but...how Y/N would respond is what's stopping her.

"I uh...I hear Gojo is coming out today." She begins. Y/N nods, not saying anything. "Nanami says he's going to rehab, which is good." She says.

Again, Y/N just nodded. "And how do you feel about that?" Y/N shrugged, however she really didn't know how to feel about it. The past week and a half of being here she couldn't sleep, eat, bathe. She just...couldn't function without him. And she hated the feeling.

But oddly enough, she fucking missed him.

Alisha exhaled and stopped eating. "I know you're angry at me for what I said about Gojo needing to die. However, I'm your friend and I just want what's best for you. Take this as your chance to just be friends with Gojo and think about your own well being for a while."

Y/N cleared her throat and pushed her plate away from her. Now she's no longer hungry.

"I'll be upstairs."

"I'm not trying to argue with you or create an argument. I'm just trying to give you advice and-

"Yeah, I know. Thanks." Y/N says walking away. Before she can head upstairs, she heard him before she saw him.

"There's my little solider!"

Y/N stopped and glanced back. Gojo is grinning widely with his arms open, ready for a welcome hug. Y/N thought she was dreaming at first, but quickly pulled her body to move towards him.

Shitty person or not, she fucking loves him. Is it bad? Yes, but as long as he's here, she'd always see the good side. The one full of laughs and love.

And whether Y/N realized it or not, she only missed him because she wanted to see him in order to remind herself of what good they had, and now...they can finally work.

Y/N ran over to him and jumped in his arms. He caught her, spinning her around as he chuckled lowly. Y/N gave him a kiss on the lips, which took him by surprise, and hugged him tighter.

A grin tickled his throat and honestly he felt at ease. Being in that hospital nearly made him loose his mind. He'd been fighting with everyone, tried to escape a few times, threw things at people. It was fucking chaotic.

Until Nanami came and told him about Y/N. How she wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping and we're having her own meltdown episodes. Told him that she only asked for him and wouldn't function without him. Which was all the truth.

That calmed him down a bit, and by the fourth day of being there, Gojo obliged to everything. He even asked for her. Nanami told him that if he wanted to do that then he wouldn't in the state he was in.

Nanami had no idea if him telling Gojo that Y/N was starving herself allowed him to take a reality check but...he felt a switch in him.

"It's your choice. Either let her starve and drive herself sleepless, or fix yourself so she can see you. Your. Choice." Nanami had said to him.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now