I Do!

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Chapter 31

Really! Haha I can't leave you for a damn second woman what the hell happened? Just what you saw Todd the bitch lost her mind spitting on me but I know the police in New York don't see that as a crime then she pushed me and I defended myself.

The police came already and they said it was self defense because they approached us. Damnnn baby you got hand's. Stop Toddy you know I have fucking hands she giggled hehe.

Not like that I better be careful damn. Haha.

Toke what we doing? Green light Gooch but after this were out ya heard? Yeah Toke. Come get me in that thing I bought dress proper. See you at two.

The two men arrived to the property in long island dressed as cable men the house had an appointment on the book. Toke got the information from a chick he used to sleep with behind Alexis' back looking for extra cash.

The men arrived on time and were walked to through the house to the bedrooms where the boxes were not working.

As they walked past the black madonna they  ignored her Tokyo snapping photos with his pen and cameras concealed in the weft of hos baseball cap on the left and right sides of his head.

Gooch had on seven body cam's mostly on his legs and back. The camera's were triggered by thier foot when they applied pressure the camera snapped photos. There was live stream being sent to a computer Tokyo set up in an apartment in bad area of brooklyn.

They fixed the loose Cables Tokyo taking a tutorial from Axis who briefly worked for a cable company year's back. Okay sir we are all set anything else?

No thank you we will be away for a few weeks if we have issues when we return we will give a shout. Great no problem enjoy your trip sir.

Thank you. The thieves walked to the company marked van with the stolen company plate in case the man's security ran the plate.

Tokyo smiled rubbing Gooch's head you heard that? They are going away boy! Could be a set up. Doubtful besides I know something you don't Gooch. What Toke?

You know that little nigga Dante? The one with the motorcycle Toke? Yeah have you noticed how bitches fall all over that nigga?

Especially Gooch?--

White one's Toke. He's been dating the man's daughter for a whole month fucking her blowing her back out. She's following the family the next day Dante is coming here to fuck his girl while they are fucking we are taking the Madonna.

Brilliant Toke yo man I would of never thought of that. Why break in when we can walk in with ease Gooch? Best part is Dante is a stellar student with no record going to that Chadwick for boys school up on 85th with a scholarship.

They'd never think he had anything to do with it. Exactly and I lullabyed him for days before the robbery public eyes 24 hour's a day and got security where he lives on pay roll getting him going in and out the building the entire month and the little nigga in curfew in the house by 9 p.m.

Oh I know he mad as fuck! Yes he is Gooch hahah who gives a fuck these young nigga's wanna be in a gang cause all these rappers with this drill music putting they business in the street leading detectives and rival gangs right to them Gooch.

Our set could be so much bigger but you won't allow new member's why? How many of our people have we buried Gooch none since Rizza.

Before that? I mean from violence? Before you were locked up Toke. So over 20 years no funeral. Damn Toke yeah. Why Gooch?

Cause you keep a small circle. That's right and no one can join who's hot. I told you anyone on social media gets a fuck up beat down and i want bones broken so the rest of them social media hoes know to keep our shit off the airwaves.

Facts big bro. Come on i got the listening devices set. Good looking Toke you made the museum connect Toke? Tokyo gave Gooch a dirty look. Sorry sorry. Stay in ya lane Gooch drive nigga lex making salmon on the grill. Ummmm.

Sarah and Axis went to one of her shows every one in harlem pointed at one smiling and clapping. What's going on with that one Axis? I'm not sure bae they walked over to see what the commotion was about. It was a photo of Todd and Isis holding up a note Sarah Axis wants to know will you marry him? Isis had her hand's up like she was asking a Question and Todd was holding a open ring case in the other hand.

Oh my God the women smiled as Axis knelt before her women filmed it as Goddess Isis mom get's engaged to Todd's cousin.

Sarah I love you. You had me at hello will you be my wife? He cracked open the ring case holding a ruby and diamond ring with a matching tennis bracelet me and Isis picked it she said you like rubies.

I do! Like rubies or want to marry me Sarah?

Marry you silly!

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