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How can they expect me to sleep?

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How can they expect me to sleep?

I flinch by every sound, by every shadow. What if Dad's behind that tree? 

Time flies by, and it's now 2 am. I'm shivering, but don't crawl under the warm blanket. It'll hinder me if I have to run away.

I hear a sound outside and flinch. No. Please, don't let it be Dad. I crawl backwards, against my wall. 

But then I see an owl flying by the window and I relax again. Oh man, Dad screwed me up. 

My eyes widen when I hear fast footsteps in the hallways. No no no! How did he find me?

My breath fastens as the door opens. I defend my head with my arms. "Scarlett? Scarlett, oh God," the person cries. I hear on the voice that he stays at the door.

I lower my arms, to see it's Elijah who's standing at my door. His cheeks are wet, and his hands are trembling. I notice he's almost hyperventilating, and I frown.

He closes the door and leans against it. "Elijah, come here."

I pat my bed and he walks towards me. He lies down in my bed and I snuggle in his chest, on top of him. Safety washes over me and I feel my muscles relax. 

But he clearly isn't okay. I look at his face. His eyes are closed, and tears still roll down his cheeks. I cup his face. "Elijah, what's wrong? You look like you're having a panic attack."

He breathes out shakily. "Because I am." I frown. "Why?"

Another shaky breath, but it's a little better than just now. "I had this horrible nightmare. You were gone and then I woke up, remembering you must be so scared."

I nod. "I was scared. But now you're here, and I feel okay. I know you'll protect me, and that makes me feel safe."

He nods, and his breathing calms down. "Is it okay if I stay?" he whispers. I caress his forehead, which is covered in a frown. "Of course it is. But I warn you, I move a lot in my sleep," I giggle.

He smiles, and it doesn't even seem forced. "I'll hold you," he says. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist, as if he'll never let me go again. Not that I want to go, his arms are heaven.

I wrap mine around his neck and bury my face in his chest. I sigh happily. This is nice.



"I'll take care of you. No one will harm you ever again." His voice has a slight tone of pain, and I frown. "You're too sweet."

He smiles again. "Oh, believe me. I'm nothing but sweet." I giggle. "I knew you were the softie of all five."

He scoffs, but doesn't say anything. I see his eyes close, and then his breath slows way down. My eyes widen. He's asleep! How can he fall asleep that fast?

And he's way too cute when he's asleep. I admire his sharp jaw, even when he's relaxed and asleep. He said he had a nightmare, would it be like an always thing? I learned about that in school.

But he doesn't seem scared or pained right now. He has a smile on his face, small, but it still counts.

I close my eyes too, feeling safe and protected in his arms. I feel myself drift away to sleep soon, finally relaxing.


The soft streaks of sun on my face wake me up.

Wow. This was way better than I normally sleep. I feel Elijah's arms around my waist and look up.

He's still asleep.

"Elijah," I whisper, and I notice a slight sultry tone in my voice. His eyes snap open, and for a moment, I see surprise in them.

Then, his eyes find mine and they widen. He takes note of our position, which isn't weird.

He looks confused. "What the actual..." he starts, then stops.

So he doesn't like this?


I thought he found it as nice as I did. Apparebtly not. "Eh... we sgifted in our sleep, I guess," I lie. He cocks an eyebrow.

"You think? If I remember correctly, but please enlighten me if I don't, we cuddled to sleep. Don't you think?"

I blush and he chuckles. "Ah, you're too cute. Didn't you like sleeping in my oh so muscular arms?"  I scoff. He has the less muscles of all of them, but he has brains.

"I did, actually." We both know it's the truth. He smiles a boyish smile. "Oh, I enjoyed this too. I'm afraid you'll have to sleep with me every night."

He grins. I giggle. "Sounds like a deal."

His eyes widen, but he keeps smiling. "Alright. Let's get up now. I think the other are a bit jealous."

He picks me up in bridal style. I sigh happily. "You do have very muscular arms," I giggle. He rolls his eyes laughs.

We -well, he- walks through the hallway and we sit down in the kitchen. I'm still tucked to his chest and am sitting on his lap.

The others watch us with wide eyes. "Wha..." Jordan is speechless.

I giggle and start eating my pancake. Mhm. Definetely Ethan's. "Thank you," I smile at him. He nods, still eyeing us.

"How the fuck did you manage that?" Jordan found his tongue back. I frown, confused. Elijah tickles with his nose my ear and giggling, I push him away.

Jordan points at it. "That. This. The whole Elijah-being-affective-thing."

I shrug. "He didn't change. He's always like this." I turn to him. "Right?"

He looks deep in my eyes. Then shakes his head. I push my bows together in confusion. Huh?

"Just with you."

Oh. I never saw them with anyone else, so I didn't really know. I smile. "Ahw, that's cute."

Now he looks confused. "Cute? How is his cute?"

I shrug. "It just is. You're cute. You all are."

They share a look. "Maybe we need to talk, Scarlett."

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