Chapter Nineteen

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         The bonfire by the beach was in full swing by 8pm. It was such a beautiful night. I wrap my arm around Topper as we both legitimately try to count how many stars are out tonight. JJ plays Una Vaina Loca and begins dancing ridiculously.

         John B and Pope are doing their best, but totally burning our hot dogs on the bonfire in the middle.

        I notice Rafe smiling at something Pope says. He takes a puff of his joint. I found myself watching him from time to time.

        I didn't know whether being around him was actually going to work out well or not.

        His eyes meet mine and I don't even bother looking away. I wish I could run over to him and make everything better but it wouldn't work.

          "Here you go!" Sarah says as she hands me drink. I thank her and cheers with Topper before throwing it back. "It's gonna be a good night you guys!" Topper says as we all start dancing to the beat.

          I find myself actually smiling and having a good time. We huddle closer as a group and I smile when I see John B spinning Sarah around as he dances with her. JJ is pretty drunk at this point and he's constantly making everyone else laugh.

         For a second I realize how lucky we are to have each other. It makes me the happiest to see everyone together again.

        I smile when I see Kie dancing with Rafe. I knew she was doing her best to make him feel more included and at ease. I dance with Topper and Sarah.

        About an hour later, we all take a break and sit down on the sand around the bonfire. A few of us are roasting marshmallows. Pope is practically conducting a class on how to make the perfect s'more.

        Topper burns himself on marshmallow. "Didn't I tell you guys it would be so worth it coming out here?" JJ asks while smiling at us all. We all nod in agreement.

         "Thank you, JJ." Sarah says and we all mimic the same thing. He smiles contently. "You know it's so much better when we're not fighting all the time." Pope confesses and we all nod.

       "That shit really stresses me out for real." Rafe says. "Okay I have an idea. It's a cheesy one, but it's an idea." John B says and we all look up at him.

          "Everyone in the group go around and say something you love about the person seated after the person next to." John B tells us.

        We all look around the circle. It was; Pope, Rafe, Kie, me, Sarah, JJ, Topper, Kelce, John B.

        I freeze when I realize Rafe is going to have to say something about me. "Alright I'll start!" John B says. "Rafe," He begins and JJ laughs awkwardly. There's a silence as everybody listens carefully.

       "I know we're not supposed to talk about it but, I know you'd anything to protect us and I respect that man." John B tells Rafe and I see him smile. "Well shit, I'm gonna cry." JJ says breaking the silence.

         "Okay I wanna go next!" Kie says happily. "Sarah, I am the most grateful for how extra you are about us. You really go pretty far to make us happy and I love you for it," She says while smiling at Sarah. Sarah makes a sad face.

         "Awwhhh." We all mock and laugh at them. "I love you!" Sarah says while smiling. "Alright who's next?" Kie asks. "I wanna go!" Sarah says.

       "Topper." She starts. "You're a really good guy and I'm really grateful you brought us all out here." She says and Topper smiles and nods at her.

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