Chapter 47

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Cheyenne squinted her eyes as she stood outside "Why is it so cold...." She looked around at the frost that sat on the steps "It shouldn't be like this in Season two..."

"Season two?"

Cheyenne blinked rapidly and then looked back, smiling at the sunflower blonde "Hey, Finnybaby" Finny flushed as he came next to her "H-Hi, Cheyenne" The girl chuckled and looked up "Ayo, Fin. Do you know why it looks like this? It was been a bit chilly recently but I didnt think it would be this cold" Finny smiled down at her "Haven't you heard? It's Winter, Christmas is coming up!"

Cheyenne thought about what Finny had just said. It wasn't even Winter time in the Second season, right?! No, no...

When the hell did it become December?! Has it been that long?!

She then smiled "Oh, does that mean Ciel's birthday is comin' up?" Finny gave her a bright look "Today is his birthday, actually!" He snapped his fingers "That reminds me, I need to find something for the Young Master for his special day"

Cheyenne's lips flattened



Cheyenne. An idiot. A clumsy fool

Ciel sighed as he sat back in his chair, looking up to the ceiling. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the small silence. He was alone in his Office for once, not a single soul or big was even in there with him.

She can change personalities quicker than one would suspect but usually stays on one: 'Happiness'. If you can even call it that.

It was nice to appreciate the little moments. With his action filled life, he barely got a chance to actually sit down and do that.

She comes from an alternate World. She has shown proof to me and as much as I'd like to say its false, she's telling the truth

He looked down to his desk to see Cheyenne's Phone. She had left it in his care while she went outside. She trusted him with it. Luckily for him, it was unlocked. She let him listen to music on there if he wanted to relax and unwind.

She explains about how things work there. Where things go, Sports that take place, areas she's lived

He lift up the Phone and squinted his eyes at the little icons "I believe she said this was a home button?...." Ciel's eye widened in surprise as the screen changed. The music thing that he was on didn't go off so that was a plus. He scowled at the screen, seeing the Trancy Butler on the background. He looked over the apps and what was on and what wasn't but soon landed on one named, 'Gallery'

Soft is what I would like to describe her as. Yet, there are times when she changes. Rude to giddy, down hearted to surprise. It's as of her emotions were a never ending spiral

He pressed it to find a few things called albums. There were one named Diabolik Lovers, Osomatsu San, Eddsworld. There was one specifically named, Balck Butler. But, the one that caught his interest was an album of what looked to be her Family.

She has explained many things to me, what her Family is like. What she does to have 'fun'. What kind of Childhood she had

She had once told him she didn't have many pictures of herself, barely any for that matter. But, there were many of her Family.

Her Brothers and Sisters

Videos of the dancing and yelling at each other

Her Nieces that she mentions alot

Her Dogs that she loved

A few of her friends were on here as well

From what I gathered, she's been apart of a rather large family. Eleven siblings, cousins that she didn't even know she was related to. It's even an awe that they can keep up with each other. I understand now as to why they have such big feasts

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